Byredo's Bal D' Afrique parfume.


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Feb 2, 2016

Jane C.

I have not smelled this perfume and have just recently become more interested in perfumes outside of the few I own. I thought you might like to check out this blog that sparked my interest. I have nothing to do with it, I just stumbled across online.

Feb 2, 2016

Jane C.

Feb 2, 2016

Carmelle Y.

Ooh! Luxurious! I know that the blogger extraordinaire "beauty professor" LOVES Byredo Perfumes! I've been dying to pop into Neimans to take a sniff 😁 Oh Mah Lord! The description for Byredo "Gypsy Water" fragrance is so awfully bad, in an insanely stereotyped way. But it's so bad it's almost funny!