Clueless when it comes to hair dye.


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Jun 15, 2016

Lara C.

Helloooo :)

I dyed my long curly dark brown hair yesterday with L'oreal Feria in soft blue black. I kinda did it on a whim which is weird because I'm not the impulsive type. so I have the colour everywhere and it worked great. I also had a cut recently so it doesn't feel dry or anything. my questions are :

1) will this fade away with time? or is it something that I have to remove or grow out? (I like it but I'm curious) like will my brown come through..?

2) how often is it recommended to dye hair? once again, my hair is long and it has been growing fairly quick recently.

3) so I'm not sure if this is a really stupid thought but can I dye my hair with a blue hair dye (like indigo-ish) all over to amp up the blue reflection or tint? I don't want all around blue hair just that blue shine. my hair is definitely cool toned black now but I was hoping the blue would come through more. if this is impossible let me know I have no idea how dying hair works to be completely honest.

thanks for your help, any other helpful advice would be awesome!!

Jun 15, 2016

Kitty K.

I'm not a professional hair stylist by any means but when I dyed mine that color it stayed that way! I had to grow it out! I did learn though that once my roots came out to only dye just the roots! I thought it'd be harmless to go over since its just black dye and not bleach but it still over processed.

Jun 15, 2016

Lara C.

Thanks Kitty, that's actually very helpful and I will definitely do that if or when I dye it again!