Crazy skin undereye 😱


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Feb 17, 2016

Alina E.

Please help me..
My skin looks weird and I hate it. Could a cream or something help me? I don't only want to cover it.. I want to reduce it. :)
Sorry for the crazy pic

Feb 17, 2016

Shelby B.

What exactly are you talking about? Is it the texture you don't like? Because my under eyes look like that so it might just be how undereye skin is, I'm not sure that you can do anything about it.

Feb 17, 2016

Mim I.

If you would like to reduce it put wet green tea bags underneath or press a cold spoon on it :)

Feb 17, 2016

Marleen B.

First of all, I would make sure you're hydrated and get enough sleep. Then start using an eye cream day and night. And make sure you use a gentle eye makeup remover.

Feb 17, 2016

Alina E.

Well I mean it looks dry and a bit blue?!:/
I sleep enough and I drink a lot every day.
Does the green tea bags help? And if so, why?
Thank you for your help!

Feb 18, 2016

Marleen B.

Tea usually contains caffeine and caffeine has been known to reduce puffiness. They put it in a lot of eye creams. It also has anti-oxidents which helps your skin fight free-radicals, which basically that means it will protect your skin from any future damage.

Feb 18, 2016

Marleen B.

You could try a retinol eye cream. Retinols can help smooth skin texture and build collagen. The skin is thin under the eyes and that's why the blue is showing through. If you build up the collagen, it will thicken the skin. BUT, many people are ultra sensitive to retinols and have to build a tolerance to it. So, if you do try a retinol cream, go slowly. Don't slather it on and don't use it everyday trying to rush the results, you will be sorry. Rushing retinols, can burn the skin and cause major swelling and flaking.

Feb 18, 2016

Alexis C.

I would suggest the Tarte Maracuja C Brighter Eye Treatment, it'll hydrate and moisturize the under eyes and help with darkness/discoloration. Also make sure to sleep slightly propped up (: