Warm congratulations to Bruce Jenner...(Caitlyn)


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Jun 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Bit off topic, but I just want to give a congrats to Caitlyn on her transition! I've always had a lot of respect for the trans community as it I would assume it's a very hard thing to deal with. However it's 2015 now and I'm glad they're able to express themselves a bit more freely. I would like to raise awareness as it is still looked down a lot by the minority. Instead of discriminating, appreciate how HOT these people look after the fact!! Haha. They're people too, and I believe they deserve all the good attention they can get. She looks BANGING, good job to her surgeon haha!

Jun 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Idk why I put warm in the title...lol.

Jun 1, 2015

Ella M.

Yes girl she looks gorgeous, and I can guess how hard it was for her to deal.

Jun 1, 2015

megan l.

I love this!!

Jun 1, 2015

Alyx T.

I totally agree! I knew he told everyone about it, but I hadn't known he'd transitioned yet. I don't keep up with the kardashians lol.
She looks gorgeous. Almost cindy Crawford Ish.
One of my best friends just finished transitioning and he couldn't be happier now. I haven't heard anybody giving any hate to him, but of course he's not in the public like the jenner family. I'm so glad that society is becoming more accepting though. :)

Jun 1, 2015

Michelle S.

Yes she does! Congratulations to her and most importantly, she's happy :)

Jun 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Ella, exactly! But I'm so glad she did it so publicly, maybe people will understand a bit better. :)

Megan, glad you do! :)

Alyx, it's all over the news! I saw it on buzzfeed haha. I said the EXACT same thing! She totally reminds me of Cindy Crawford. Congrats to your friend as well :)

Yassss girls! Loving all the positive responses, so heart warming. This place is almost too good to be true, too many nice women (lol kidding)

Jun 1, 2015

Stephanie G.

I'm glad she went with Caitlyn instead of Belinda.

Jun 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Haha yeah, Belinda was an odd choice but I believe it was one made up by the lovely media

Jun 1, 2015

Taylor G.

She looks amazing I'm so glad you posted this!
I'm from a small conservative town where people think this is an awful thing and it's nice to be on Beautylish and see all these positive responses! Hopefully as time goes on people will just become more and more accepting until it's not so taboo anymore.

Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

So happy that she finally had the courage to do it! She looks GORGEOUS.

Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

Yaya, when he was younger society wasn't as accepting as it is now, and he probably felt like he couldn't tell people, or he did and they rejected him so he kept schtum on it until he felt he could become a woman.

Yaya, if you had watched her interview with Diana Sawyer then you would know that she struggled with her gender identity ever since she was young, long before she ever met Kris or was an Olympian. The Kardashians support her and are happy for her and that's all that matters. She in no way woke up one morning and said "I wanna become a woman I'm gay".

Anyways, I'm very happy for Caitlyn, I understand the struggle of not being comfortable in your own body/with your own gender. She's come a long way and I'm very happy and proud of her for finally allowing herself to be who she's always meant to be (:

Jun 1, 2015

Leila R.

She looks amazing! I love her makeup and her body is amazing. People at my school were making fun of her and not using her proper pronouns so it's really nice to see that people do accept her for who she is 😊

Jun 1, 2015

Cassandra E.

Congratulations to her! She looks gorgeous.

Jun 1, 2015

J L.

I'm so happy to see that Caitlyn is finally herself. She's gorgeous! <3 I can't believe how good she looks! Congratulations to her and to everybody else who has chosen to come out and be who you are! (:

Jun 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Exactly Taylor! Everyone has an opinion but some are so ignorant and narrow minded.

Yaya, that's fine, I respect your opinion. However, it was a struggle. It was not a one day thing, people can hold things in for so long, their whole life apparently. You'd be surprised how many skeletons people hold in even unto their death bed. Bruce did everything in his power to convince himself he was a man but she just was not. It's not easy talking about things like this, especially in a world so unaccepting, like it was back in the day. Why do you think people don't come out as gay until they're in their 20's or what have you...

Jun 1, 2015

Dereanna D.

I think she looks sooooo good!

Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

I agree Renay. I'm 17 and I'm slowly (albeit very!) starting to come out as pansexual, which I'm finding difficult due to unaccepting nature of some people. I went through a stage of denial (which lasted from 11-16) as I didn't want to be rejected by people. It's far more difficult than you think, with cisgendered people being the worst to judge.

Jun 1, 2015

Cassandra E.

You're SO right, Hannah. I know so many people who are gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc. And ugh, some people are really awful to them. It's getting better nowadays, I know, but there's still a select group of bigots who act like anyone who isn't straight and cisgender is a freak.

Best of luck to you with coming out, by the way! I hope everything goes well in the end.

Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

Some people really are dreadful. I think people who can't accept others for who they are should be castrated, it's medieval in this day and age. Thank you Cassandra :)

Jun 1, 2015

Sabrina K.

Hannah please keep a civil tone on this thread so it doesn't take an ugly turn!

Jun 1, 2015

Hannah K.

Sorry Sabrina, I just get a bit heated because I feel so strongly about it, disregard my last comment!

Jun 1, 2015

Sabrina K.

I understand but you know how quickly a thread can turn ugly :) So lets keeps a positiv outlook and think happy thoughts! And agree that Caitlyn is one good looking lady!

Jun 1, 2015

Raylene I.

...wait, what's pansexual? (Please excuse my ignorance on this I mean no disrespect as my father is gay and I totally support him)