Hair Dye On Skin.


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May 23, 2015

Brianna M.

I'm not sure if this would be in the hair category or skincare so if its misplaced I apologize. but anyway I dyed my hair at 12 last night I was so tired but it needed to be done but since I was so tired it got messy quick I have hair dye all on my hands and face and I tried getting it off last night but couldnt and then just went to sleep so now its still there but its dry and I have to leave at 1:30 today can anyone help me?

May 23, 2015

Brianna M.

Oh and it's black hair dye so its very noticeable

May 23, 2015

Emily W.

Rubbing alcohol usually takes it off for me, but if it is really stubborn you might have to use nail polish remover. Be very careful on your face not to get any of either in your eyes, I know from experience...

May 23, 2015

Brianna M.

Thank you so so much! I will try it.

May 23, 2015

Taylah F.

There's actually special alcohol wipes you can get! You can usually get them from any supermaket or any store :) usually in the beauty section :)

May 23, 2015

Jaylene J.

Neutrogena make up remove worked and my apple mango tango detergent to clean off my arms

May 23, 2015

Justine S.

You can also use vinegar. it smells incredibly nasty but it works.

May 24, 2015

Teal B.

Rub hand sanitizer on it.