Looking Good During Disability.


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Apr 16, 2015

Emily W.

Hello everyone,

It has been a long time since I've been on Beautylish! I have a rather complicated situation that I'd like some help with, if you'd care to oblige me. :)

A few months ago I was diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome (also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or just fibromyalgia), which is characterized by debilitating pain, weakness, and fatigue. I am now bound to a wheelchair and have some days where I am limited to bed rest, which makes it really difficult to keep up with even basic hygiene let alone doing makeup.

Then, to make things even more fun, I started having seizures a few weeks ago. So now on top of the fibro, I have tonic-clonic seizures (the stereotypical jerky/floppy scary kind) and myoclonic spasms of my head and body (severe uncontrollable random twitching).

My question is this: what tips do you have for taking care of myself right now? I'm so tired of looking like a bum! I am able to shower and stuff now so at least hygiene is all accounted for; I need help figuring out what I can do with makeup given that I'm prone to random head/arm jerks. Does this question make sense? I apologize in advance if this is a bunch of gibberish, these anticonvulsants are really doing a number on my "turning thoughts into words" faculties.

Apr 16, 2015

Emily W.

Oh boy that was a train wreck! Sorry!

Please, does anyone here have epilepsy or similar? How do you do your makeup? Any suggestions? Techniques for dealing with the spasms? Ways to not ruin my makeup during seizures? Thank you!

Apr 16, 2015

Kathryn R.

I don't have any of those conditions but what make up would you normally wear? like tips for trying to do eye make up? give me an idea of what your normal routine used to be.

Apr 16, 2015

Alyx T.

Let me start by saying I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. It's awful. Ans I truly wish I could make it better. I love seeing you around BL, and in a weird way I think of the regulars as friends and I don't want them to hurt.
But my My mom's coworker, and now close family friend has seizures a lot, its never happened with us around since his is almost always in the morning (the human body is weird) but I know he has ups and downs and weeks where there's none and weeks that he can't get out if bed. He doesn't wear makeup so I can't really help you with that, but he's on lyrica, a nerve numbing medication that helps. Obviously talk to your doctor and stuff but he's seen a lot of improvement with it, I've known him for 5 years now, and he's been on it for the whole 5, but his wife has said it made an almost immediate difference, and he's had seizures since he was a kid so he's been on lots but that one was the best for him, and had the least "I don't feel like me anymore physically" reaction. Just a thought.

As for bedrest, I am on the same boat sort of. I'm going through withdrawals from a medication I took daily, and it's kicking my ass. I'm so weak I've been eating smoothies and haven't showered in a week. But I suggest wipes if you can, like baby wipes is what I've been using. Unlucky for me I've been getting cold sweats too so I'm super gross but wipes have helped, and if you carry some with you (I'm not sure if you are leaving the house lately, but I'm sure you will soon if you're not yet) you can touch up any makeup messes. I'd also stay away from waterproof makeup. It could be lovely for staying put, but the effort you'd have to put in to take it off would hurt. I have weak wrists due to my little "bubble" that is around the bones in my hand/wrist is too big (again the human body is weird) so the muscles get overworked easily since they're doing all the support plus whatever they're doing. But anyways waterproof makeup makes my wrists hurt taking it off. It's a pain in the ass. But makeup wipes and baby wipes will help, I know they aren't as good as a face washes routine, but do what you have to do right? Also I'd put your moisturizer by your bed.
As for looking good, go with basics. I'd honestly just put mascara on, maybe a bit of concealer if needed and if you feel bold, wear a pretty lipstick. You're a very beautiful girl so you really don't need anything, but I understand parts of what you're going through. I haven't gotten outta bed for more than a couple hours in almost a month, and my self esteem is way down just from looking in the mirror when I have to pee. But maybe a lip stain or liquid lipstick (though they can be a pain to apply if you can't stay steady) I think they'd hold out through any head movement and they don't smear.

Other than that I've got nothing. But I hope things get better, or at least hope you can find a way to make the best of a shitty situation. I so wish I could make it better, or at least come give you a hug. Though I look disgusting, I literally haven't brushed my hair in a month. I've showered, but I can't say my outter appearance is all that nice and clean and you wouldn't enjoy it lol. But I really hope you stay strong and don't let this take away from you being you. I know health issues can take quite a toll on mental health. So I'm going to end this novel by saying I'm always here if you want to talk. <3

Apr 16, 2015

Raylene I.

I'm not sure if this will help, as my spasms and twitches are caused by a nervous system issue and not a seizure issue, but my doctor prescribed me low dose benzodiazepreens (sorry about spelling) which has helped immensely!! As for makeup, I'd suggest keeping it simple!! Just a tad of shadow and some mascara and tinted lippies... I remember awhile ago when you still frequented this site there was a SO in your life, if they happen to still be around, maybe try a bonding moment and a teaching moment and see if they could help with makeup application... I'm sure your first look might be questionable but it's worth a shot. I really hope you start to feel better. Are you wheel chair bound for the rest of your life? Or just until you find the appropriate pain management system for you?

Apr 16, 2015

Alyx T.

Also sorry that's a rambly novel, I'm currently on lots of pain killers and calming meds to keep the withdrawals symptoms down so I'm with you on the turning thoughts into words bit. I'm not even sure what day it is and I'm on valium so I'm a bit "spacey and rambling" is how my sister describes it. I hope it all made sense, I read through it again but who knows lol.

Apr 16, 2015

Sarah N.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't imagine! you seem so strong though so just keep it up! I wouldn't worry about too much makeup with what you're going though but I understand wanting to feel better about yourself. Maybe a bb or cc cream, apply with your hands like a moisturizer and a tinted lip balm and maybe some blush to bring color to your face. I agree with baby wipes and they make wipes specifically for the face and body as well those will come in handy.

Apr 16, 2015

Kailey L.

I'm so sorry you're going through this! I agree with other ladies, keep it simple. If you do foundation, I'd probably apply with a sponge, there's less room for error and it's a little faster than using your fingers. I'd stay away from eyeliner and mascara, just so you don't inadvertently hurt your eyes if you seize or have a spasm. Maybe just add some blush and a tinted balm to warm your face up. Good luck to you, I hope you can get a good medication routine going to get this under control!

Apr 16, 2015

Emily B.

What I do is I typically use baby wipes to clean my face, and then wash my face and do a moisturizer. I use concealer or bb cream where I need to or full coverage if I'm breaking out. Then sometimes mascara. My husband helps me a lot though.

Apr 18, 2015

Emily W.

Sorry for taking so long guys, I was in the hospital yesterday after a pretty severe episode. I can't wait until my doctors figure out what is going on so I can get some kind of treatment going! Thank you for your well-wishes!

I usually wear intricate, colorful eye looks with winged liner. For now, I just want to look less like a walking corpse (fill in my missing brows, wear a little liner and mascara, maybe some eyeshadow if I can do it without stabbing myself in the eye).

Baby wipes are a miracle in a box! I love those friggin things, I swear. Best invention! Great idea to carry some around with me, thank you Alyx. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues as well! :( Feel better hon. I had withdrawal switching medications, and it was terrible.

Raylene, we don't know what is causing my spasms and seizures so they are throwing every medicine in the book at me right now. I'll bring up benzodiazeprine at my next appointment. Unfortunately I had to move back in with my family to be closer to the hospital, while my fiance is still at our apartment 200 miles away, so he's not really able to help. My mom has carpal tunnel syndrome and dad is just hopeless so family is out of the question. ;) Oy vey. Do your spasms make it hard your makeup on evenly? I tried to put my eyebrows on this morning but my head kept jerking and I ended up with spastic angry scribble brows. I was able to clean them up with a wipe but jeez...

Apr 18, 2015

Raylene I.

Oie! My goodness Emily I'm soo sorry to hear about your hospital stay!! Being on the benzo's regularly has helped immensely!! I don't get my spasms and twitches even a fraction of what used to be, now it only happens when I've been severly stressed and start to calm down, then my legs and arms go off on their own. It is seriously one of thee most uncomfortable feelings having your body moving with out your will!! But makeup hasn't been an issue for me in a long time at least several months. And I'm soo sorry Mr. Man is sooo far away :( it's tough being away from your other half especially when your away for something like this. So my thoughts and prayers are with both of you, I'm sure he's going stir crazy not being able to help you out or offer much comfort :( however your spastic angry scribble brows must have been cute either way ;) my best suggestion is to try and relax, when I'd start to jerk I'd focus more on it and stress and try to hold myself still which resulted in even more spasms and harder twitches. It's really hard at first, but now when I do end up twitching away, I try really hard to keep relaxed and not focus on it and it passes a lot quicker and less violent. As for makeup again, just start real simple and slow. Give yourself ample time to apply, and correct and reapply your makeup. I really hope they find out what's happening!! I too fibally found out the problem to an issue that's been causing me grief for gosh, 11 years?! Wow, but yea hopefully it goes a lot quicker and smoother for you!! Prayers and hugs ;)