Hair and nails for prom help!(:


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May 9, 2015

Vanessa M.

Any ideas on styles for my prom dress. Wanting to have my hair down.

May 9, 2015

Hannah K.

You posted this yesterday and got tons of responses. Reposts are not allowed. You can find the original post on the 'Following' section of the Talk header.

May 9, 2015

Shanae J.

Vanessa, you've posted this a couple times, the second time, you were informed that reposts are not allowed. If you keep breaking the rules, it can result in account deletion.

May 9, 2015

Sabrina K.

I see the posts are not the same questions just the same photo - But you really should try to keep your questions together in the same post - So in the makeup post you could also had asked about nails and hair!

When creating multiple posts about the same look you push down other threads that also need attention.