Accidentally dyed my hair burgundy...


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May 1, 2015

Maria L.

Well, I bought Crimson obsession because to me, Crimson is red, and on the box, it looked red. Like, an actual red. Hair is now burgundy, which freaks me out because I don't know if I'll be sent home from work tomorrow...
Is there any way I can lighten my hair color a little? I have the lightening bleach from the box. Can I mix some of that with shampoo tomorrow morning before work and fade the color a little?
Is there any way to fade the color at all before work tomorrow?

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

Here is the color-

May 1, 2015

Maria L.


May 1, 2015

Abby J.

I like it like that but just put some bleach on it.

May 1, 2015

Justine S.

You can just wash it a bunch before then. but also in my personal opinion if you're concerned that burgundy would get you in trouble at work I think crimson red would probably get you in trouble roo cause it would be considered unnatural.

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

Justine, I've had red hair since I got the job, even fire truck red. it was time for a re dye so I picked this up because it was on sale.

May 1, 2015

Rissa G.

I'm confused..why would they not send you home with fire truck red but they would with burgundy? It's a lot more muted than fire truck.

May 1, 2015

Rissa G.

I think you'll be fine if you've had fire truck (I'm thinking like color of your shirt) before because like I said it's definitely more muted.

May 1, 2015

katie s.

I agree with R T.. that's kind of dumb in my opinion..

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

RT and Katelyn, here is a picture of my hair before it faded (the red)

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

RT / Katelyn

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

One of our managers has deep deep red (deeper than my fire truck) and so does a grill person, but I feel like if my boss sees my hair in the wrong light or at the wrong angle, I'll get sent home / in trouble. That would NOT make my parents happy haha.

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

My burgundy just looks so purple to me, especially in certain light.

May 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Oh yeah, I think you'll be fine, haha! This new color is waaaaaay more muted than that! It does look a bit more pink toned, but honestly I think you'll be A-OK :-) good luck! But yes, to wash the color out a bit, you should try washing it a few times tonight with shampoo.

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

Thank you so much, my nerves are much more calmed...I was seriously freaking out about work tomorrow.

May 1, 2015

Traci P.

I agree with Renay and think you should be alright going to work as this color is much more muted than it was previously. To fade it fast I would suggest washing it a few times with an anti dandruff or a clarifying shampoo with hot water. You could also try a diluted vinegar rinse to pull some color out. If neither of those work for you I would personally use a color remover instead of bleaching.

May 1, 2015

Kyla K.

I agree! I personally love it!

May 1, 2015

gege f.

I've really like it but I didn't see your face that clear.

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

I was hiding my face in shame haha.

May 1, 2015

Maria L.

I suppose the color isn't as crazy as I thought, but I'm still concerned about it (if you can tell by my face)

May 2, 2015

Ashley I.

I love that color! If I wasn't allergic to red dye, I would dye my hair burgundy!! Love it on you:)

May 2, 2015

Shanae J.

I definitely think you'll be okay. I was at mcds today and I saw at least two obviously unnatural colors. Blue tinted black and a pinkish color. Is there a way you could contact your boss and ask beforehand?

May 2, 2015

Maria L.

Thank you all so much for the compliments and calming my nerves!

And Shanae, I don't have any way to reach the GM, only shift managers- they probably have a way to reach the GM, but that would cause a lot of needless time wasting and nail biting. I work tomorrow morning so I'm sure she'll be there...

May 2, 2015

Emily W.

It doesn't look too unnatural, but if they do have an issue, just mention that it was an accident, ask if you can wear a hair net with your visor (McDonald's employees still wear hats/visors right? Fast food hair nets are usually black, so that would help cover the color too) to keep it partially concealed for your shift and then after work you can pick up a toner or different color to alter the color so that it will be different before your next shift.

May 2, 2015

Tia S.

I think it should be fine, the color doesn't look too "wild" or out of the ordinary. If you do want to fade it a little, you could try shampooing with a dandruff shampoo. It's a little rougher on the hair follicles, it'll open them up and let some of the fresh artificial color out. Good luck honey!