Funeral clothing? is it appropriate?


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Apr 28, 2015

Sabrina K.

I'm so sorry for your loss Liz!

Where I'm from shoulders and upper arms need to be covered up in the church, I don't know if its the same where your from, but I would say put a little cover up while in church and then you can wear the tank after!

Apr 28, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm very sorry for your loss. Funerals are a difficult time for all of us. Personally I was raised to cover my shoulders in religious situations, so I'd make sure that the dress or top has sleeves.

Apr 28, 2015

Shanae J.

I'm sorry for your loss, Liz!

Apr 28, 2015

Lala L.

I'm sorry for your lost hun.

Apr 28, 2015

Ashlee C.

I can't imagine your pain right now. Sorry for the loss.

As for a suggestion, how about a tank with a sheer top with sleeves. Airy but covered.

Apr 28, 2015

Zeleste r.

I'm sorry for your loss"/

I'm from Texas as well &it does get super hot! the funerals I've gone to girls wear super short black dresses! maybe Nothing to revealing you know so if you go with a tank maybe wear a kimono?

Apr 28, 2015

Alyx T.

I'm sorry for your loss hun. I know how hard it is to lose someone.

But honestly nobody will care what you wear, nobody goes to a funeral to judge clothing. So as long as your covered and not disrespectful, you'll be fine. If you feel worried about it, wear a cardigan that you can take off if you get hot.

I've been to a lot of funerals, my grandmother has over 30 siblings (his, hers and theirs plus remarriages) and so every year or so we get a call about a funeral. Most of the time nobody really knew them since they're scattered around Canada but we go, but honestly the only time I've ever been offended or even remembered an outfit someone wore was at my friends dad's funeral a girl from her school showed up in a black iridescent sparkly mini dress that plunged in the neckline. But other than that I have no idea. Nobody will pay attention to what you wear, really. I can't even remember what I wore to most of them, let alone other people.

Apr 28, 2015

Tessandra R.

Things like this would be very appropriate. I am truly so sorry for your loss Dear. Bless her heart and soul. I hope this helps you Dear Xx

Apr 28, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm so, so sorry Liz. If it's any condolence, it does get easier. Big hugs to you and everyone affected. I would personally cover shoulders, but I agree with Alyx. As long as you're respectful if what you wear, it doesn't matter.
If this is anything similar, my cousin died nearly 3 years ago, aged 22. Whilst it's still horrible and I hate having to live without her being here, it does get easier as time goes on. Remember her for all her good and silly things she's done, and if it's easier, talk about, cry about her. Even talk to or write letters to her if you like, it really helped me with the death of my cousin.

Apr 28, 2015

Tessandra R.

Oh no problem Dear :) People give me nicknames all the time. Tess, Tessa, Tessy, Sandra, Sandy, Cassie, etc. lol So feel free to call me what you want :)

Apr 28, 2015

Jensen I.

I'm so sorry for your loss Liz.

Apr 28, 2015

Angel V.

I'm sorry for your Loss Liz! I think it's just best to cover up and wear the tank afterwards!! 😘
Best of luck in the future!!😘😘😘😘

Apr 28, 2015

Shelley W.

Sending you hugs...xxxx. I second on Hannah's advice in regards to what to wear.

Apr 29, 2015

Hannah K.

No problem Liz, we're all always here! Whatever you're feeling, it's right for you. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
I can't imagine what it's like for her poor mother, many mothers don't expect to have to plan their childs funeral.