How to cover pesky dark sunspots above my lip.


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Jul 10, 2015

Liz P.

Hi ladies, I am needing help! I have dark spots above my lips and above my cheekbones and on my nose from sun exposure. I can handle the ones on my cheekbones and my nose because they are basically cute freckles in my eyes, but I cannot handle the spots above my lips, it makes me look like I have a mustache. Not cool. Does anyone know of a good serum to help lighten them or something all natural? Thank you!!

Jul 10, 2015

Cindy R.

I would say a good vitamin c serum. that's really good to even out skin tone. murad has a good one and so does ole henrickson.

Jul 10, 2015

Cindy R.

That's what was recommended to me by Shelley.

Jul 10, 2015

Diana T.

Natural remedies (and even vitamin c) take some time to see results (anywhere from 2 weeks to months) so if you want to cover with makeup you can try a full coverage concealer or a peach color corrector under your regular foundation/concealer.

Jul 10, 2015

Chelsea N.

I have the same thing!! Ugh! Following xx

Jul 10, 2015

Liz P.

Thank you Cindy and Diana! I'm a total instant gratification person so I'll try peach concealer while using a serum or something else. Has anyone heard of putting lemon juice on the areas before?

Jul 10, 2015

Erica K.

Bobbi brown peach corrector works well for me and mine is darker. Retinol helps over time right now I am trying a b3 serum. I'll I will update if it's effective

Jul 10, 2015

Natalie A.

Don't use retinol in the summer or if you're having a lot of sun exposure- it can bump up your skin sensitivity and cause a rash or bumpy breakout

Jul 10, 2015

Liz P.

I wish I could thumbs up on here for each individual post! This site and its users are the best!

Jul 10, 2015

Diana T.

There are some videos for lemon juice remedies but just be careful because if you leave it on (without washing it off) and go in the sun you can get a chemical burn from it - so be careful if you do decide to try the lemon and be sure to dilute it with water first - but it will still take time to see results even with this method - and you have to be sure to always use SPF so that the areas don't get darker or all your efforts at lightening will go to waste.

Jul 10, 2015

Les N.

^ do NOT try or put lemon juice anywhere near you skin.
Lemon doesn't do anything good for the skin. keeping our skin pH balanced is important our skins natural level is 4.5-5.5 and that is where we NEED to keep it. Lemon has a pH level of 2 which is way too acidic for our face & skin and can disrupt our acid mantle which is on the surface of our skin that acts as a barrier to bacteria.
plus I now have discoloration on my hands because of using lemons which has been there for about nine months and now I have to wait for it to fade away. if I have discoloration on my hands imagine what it would do to my face?

Jul 10, 2015

Diana T.

I'm sorry les but I have to challenge that notion of the pH... If we need to keep our skins pH at 4.5-5.5 then why is it ok to use water on our skin which has pH of 7... Or even cleansers which are very basic and range in pH of 9 and above... Diluting lemon with water will help to get it to a healthy pH that won't disrupt the skin - but if pH is your claim to why it's bad for skin then why is it ok to use very basic things on our faces? And yes lemon is a natural whitening agent so your discoloration is normal and Liz is trying to use that discoloring to her advantage by reversing the darkness that is already there - when used properly a lemon is harmless so please don't push her away from it if she really wants to try it then let her do her thing.

Jul 10, 2015

Les N.

Sure go ahead and "lighten" them but when you get bruise like discoloration that makes it even more noticeable, don't complain. 😊
I'm not "pushing her away" lemon is too acidic for her face and you encouraging her isn't going to help.

Jul 10, 2015

Diana T.

Les you telling her "not to do it" is pushing her away from it... And I was just answering her question - she asked about the lemon so I let her know that there is a safe way to use it - and everyone's skin is different - just because you got those discolorations doesn't mean that will happen to her - what works for some may or may not work for others it's the risk we all take with any skincare tips.

Jul 10, 2015

Liz P.

Thank you ladies, for your input. I'll decide what I'll try and let you know how it's turning out for me.

Jul 10, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Les can I ask why she can't complain if she gets discoloration? I mean we all try things for the first time to see if it works for us and if it doesn't we change to something else but that doesn't mean you can't complain I mean you complain about drug store foundation and that only high end foundation works for you, your complaining you experimented didnt like it then you complain, its ok for her to do the same 😊

Jul 10, 2015

Les N.

Excuse me?
I didn't comment on this to start something.
I complain about drugstore foundations?no, I don't.
Your comment was unnecessary.
please just stop.

Jul 10, 2015

Alicia H.

Hey ladies; we are all here for the same learn and share opinions about all things beauty. We're not always going to see eye to eye on things which is how we learn and why the community is so diverse. What might work for one won't for another and that's such an integral part to a positive discussion, so please try and be respectful.

Jul 11, 2015

alexus s.

I've made my own dark circle concealer which should work just as well... but I lost the measurements. anyway you can take a yellow or green concealer and then apply well covering foundation over, or another concealer... good luck hun...

Jul 11, 2015

Liz P.

Thank you Alexus!