Pimple size of a quarter!?


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Jul 5, 2015

Mia R.

Okay so sometimes I get a big spot on my forehead. Its all oily. One time it got to be the size of a quarter. Then a few days later I got hives on my arms and all over my face... Could it be stress related? Or an allergic reaction?

Jul 5, 2015

Tris P.

It could just be you hormones. But because you have oily skin your pores are probably clogged. So just wash your face really well and it should clear up!

Jul 5, 2015

Tris P.

You can put honey or mouth wash on the pimple and leave it on over night and it should reduce swelling.

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

It's most likely hormones as Tris said. Not much you can do about it if it's hormone relayed, but make sure to keep your face clean and oil free! I use blotting sheets from E.L.F. and they aren't the best out there, but I know there are some other drugstore brands that make them, so you may want to check those out since your skin is very oily (: To keep your face clean and fresh, I would recommend purchasing a nice easy cleanser along with a moisturizer and maybe even a mask. I use a face cleaning set from Mary Kay. They have lots of different skincare products for lots of different skincare types.

Jul 5, 2015

Jamie D.

This exact same thing has happened to me, and I'm pretty sure it's an allergic reaction. I have very sensitive skin that's more on the dry side and I've found that using gentle non-comedogenic products keeps my skin from freaking out. I'm not a dermatologist though, and I haven't talked to mine about it yet, so it could be something different. I would suggest seeing one if you can. For now, I would just begin to transition out any harsh products in your routine and maybe find some gentle hypoallergenic products. I currently use CeraVe, if you're interested :)

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

If you think it might be an allergic reaction, I must ask, have you used any new products? That is a great question to ask yourself if you think it might be an allergic reaction. If yes, cut it out of your routine and if you continue to have problems, it may not be an allergic reaction. If you want to know for sure, I'd go to a dermatologist. I'm no pro when it comes to skin so it's always best to check with a dermatologist (:

Jul 5, 2015

Gisell G.

I don't think that mouth wash would in any way treat the pimple try getting a spot treatment & exfoliate once a week.

Jul 5, 2015

Hannah K.

I have no clue how big a quarter is, but that sounds like an allergic reaction. As the girls above suggest, cut out any new or recently brought products, even if they're repurchases as they may have changed the formula. If it continues, go and see a doctor or dermatologist.

On the other hand, hives are often linked to stress, as are spots. Have you had anystress recently or even just a heavier schedule than usual? Something even really slight can have a negative impact on you. Not long ago I went through a period of really high stress, in which my skin broke out more and I got rashes. Mine was due to major exams and having to go to work and the place I volunteer. If this is the reason, this is the worst time to introduce new products into your routine and it's best to leave it as it is. If this is the case, find ways to de-stress, such as having bath, listening to soft music, dance around your room like a maniac. I found those to help, as well as making sure I had a couple of minutes a day just to sit down and breathe.

Jul 5, 2015

Stephanie G.

If it's in the same spot over and over again it could be a cyst. Anyway, if you ever get a pimple that big I suggest going to a doctor ASAP. It might be a staph infection and those could be dangerous. Whatever you do DO NOT TRY TO POP IT. But seriously, go to a doctor.

Jul 5, 2015

Anna W.

Even if you have an oily face, right after you get out of the shower, I suggest you moisturizer with tea tree oil.

Jul 5, 2015

Gabby G.

Yes I do agree with above its probably hormones

Jul 5, 2015

Chris M.

I've had many of those in my many years. I would go to a dermatologist, if you can, and she/he can shoot it with some cortisone. It will deflate quickly, begin healing immediately and not leave a scar. Best advice I read here - do not fool around with it (I.e. pick at it, squeeze it, etc.). Don't suffer with it!

Jul 7, 2015

Allison W.

I agree 100% with Chris M from personal experience. My derm was like"it's a cyst. You came to the right place, this won't hurt and it'll go away overnight." And it did- has never reared its ugly head again!

Jul 7, 2015

Lin F.

Have you tried a dab of Optima Organic Tea Tree Cream, soothing antiseptic cream, use a cottonwool bud to apply it - I bought it from Holland & Barrett.