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May 18, 2016

Roz X.

Rida, you are very sweet and thank you again for being so nice in your AHA thread. If I can ever be of help, my profile is always open..and sometimes I am not here, but I do try to check it when I can.

Where in this great wide world are you located? I'm in the United States. I saw you saying you were having difficulty finding products and might be able to help.

May 19, 2016

Rida S.

Hi! Oh no, thank YOU for being so helpful! I am new to all these new skincare stuff and I would never want anyone to be harmed by anything I recommend, the same way I wouldn't want anyone's advice to be harmful to me.
I am located in Pakistan, Asia. We have very limited access to majority of the good brands so we have to order online and pay so much more! I am planning to order from since their shipping charges are very low. can you recommend me some good basic skincare products from there? Cleansers, makeup remover, serums, exfoliants! thank you! Absolutely loved e-meeting you! :) xx

p.s. i have oily skin with pores on the tzone and uneven complexion. no acne thankfully except for occasional flare ups.

Jan 20, 2016

NiK I.

Following you lovely lady.

Aug 17, 2014

ramie x.


Rida S.

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