Mint Chocolate

1.Wash face/Remove ANY makeup

2.Apply primer all over the lid

3.use a light green and mix it with a silverish
Blue cooler to make a light mint color

4.One that's applied you want to use and angle brush and dap a dark brown color on it then slightly apply it in the crease of your eye (this make your eyes paper bigger)

5.You can just use your finger if you want (I do) use a light cream color/white and tab it on your brown bone and your teraduck causing your eyes to brighten

6.grab your Liquid eyeliner and make a wings shape in the edge of your eye.Then apply pencil eye liner to the bottom on your eye start from the outer corner and bring it half ways it repeat until its a black enough look for you (Make sure both liners are black) your lashes then use your eye lash curler (This step isn't needed if you have naturally long lashes like me:)

8.You may use what ever mascara you have an apply it to the top and bottom lashes

Enjoy & good luck

  • Added Aug 15, 2012

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