Simple Purple

  • Added Dec 18, 2012


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Jan 9, 2013

Crystal R.

I loved the color and you used mostley Mabaline.Love it.

Jan 9, 2013

Forrest G.

Thank you!

Jan 3, 2013

Emily x.

Okay geezz im sorry i was really mad that night, i love lip rings

Jan 3, 2013

Emily x.

Okay geezz im sorry i was really mad that night, i love lip rings

Jan 1, 2013

Loren B.

This was great- its a look I have been working to cultivate

Dec 23, 2012

Emily x.

No Affiance but it would look better without that lip ring in your lips, but thats just my opinion.  

Dec 23, 2012

Forrest G.

Um, you know "affiance" means "to pledge of faith, trust, or marriage"?
You are allowed to have your opinions as said by the First Amendment, but this is my body and my video and my looks so I am the judge of whether I want "that lip ring in my lips" or not. I see you are discriminatory towards it, which makes me really not care about your opinion. I have had "that lip ring" for about 4 years now. It is my right, as an adult, to wear it. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. And Merry Christmas. :)

Dec 22, 2012

Vanessa J.

I would have liked it more if the steps had been told instead of fast fowarding through it all :( I really liked this look too

Dec 22, 2012

Forrest G.

Yes, I don't have the set-up for that yet. But working on it.