Dry scalp/hair. Help please!


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Apr 16, 2014

Sydney W.

I would try to avoid putting the t-gel all over your hair...stUck with the scalp.

Apr 16, 2014

Marianne M.

I used to use tgel and now I use a sulfate free shampoo. there's several inexpensive brands. I found mine by googling the phrase "really cheap sulfate free shampoos"

Apr 16, 2014

Marianne M.

It really did help. I found it at trader joes. but I condition with coconut oil or jojoba oil.

Apr 16, 2014

Marianne M.

I switched after reading a book called "curly girl". hope it helps.

Apr 16, 2014

Roz X.

Paul Mitchell or Sallys Tea Tree Oil Treatment stops itching and relieves flaking. You can also boil green tea..cool it...then use as a rinse after shampooing. Pour, massage into scalp..let sit with a turbi twist in your hair...then massage in shower and rinse. Apply conditioner as usual. Wash hair less to retain precious oils on your scalp. Works wonders for me. Good luck!

Apr 17, 2014

Sarah K.

3 words-- go to lush. Tell them the issue and they'll give you the right shampoo/conditioner and hair mask.