What can I do for my acne?


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Apr 27, 2014

Lindsay M.

This is my 5th repost. What can I do for my acne? I have it like this all over my face and I hate it. Any tips? Thanks.

Apr 27, 2014

Courtney G.

Go to the shop buy some vitamin E take in the morning and at night ever day drink lots of water and I promise improvement 👌😘xx

Apr 27, 2014

Johanna C.

Go to a dermatologist pleasee.

Apr 27, 2014

Breanna C.

I'd Go To A Dermatologist 👌

Apr 27, 2014

Lindsay M.

My mom won't take me to a dermatologist-.- I don't know why

Apr 27, 2014

Amy S.

Get some cream from your doctor or try sudocrem it makes your face white so make sure it's sunk in before you go out.

Apr 27, 2014

Jenna L.

Well if you're out of the puberty stage, I recommend seeing a dermatologist because if it's hormonal acne, which I have, nothing you purchase as a topical cream or whatever will help.
For the time being, drink lots of water and keep your hands away from your face, always take off
Your makeup at night and apply oil free toners and moisturizers.
I know how horrible acne can be and how bad you feel about having it :(
Sometimes I crush up about 10 aspin pills and add a tiny bit of water and make a face mask! It really helps exfoliate and there's things in aspin that are in other acne treatments, I find it actually does help!
For scarring I pop open a liquid gel pill of vitamin e or c and apply that to the scar as well, it sometimes helps.
There's also creams your doctor can prescribe, for me they didn't do much, but they may work for you if you keep up the routine.

Apr 27, 2014

Lindsay M.

Thank y'all