Skin pampering day! Suggestions?


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Apr 27, 2014

Lauren B.

I have a lot of coursework to do today. :( to cheer myself up, I decided while I'm stuck indoors I would pamper my skin a bit! I have a clay face mask and some pore strips, any other suggestions?

Apr 27, 2014

Amira L.

You could do this foot soak if you have dry feet:)
One cup vinegar, one cup listerine and two cups of water.
Soak your feet for 15 minuetes :)

Apr 27, 2014

Sarah O.

Body scrubs and lip scrubs. :) lol also maybe even buff your nails. Even though its not skin related.

Apr 27, 2014

Kenzie L.

Do a face steam before your mask to really open up your pores and nake your mask super effective.

Apr 27, 2014

Angel C.

^Agree with Kenzie. Also you could do a really good hair treatment. Just google some diy hair masks, and raid your pantry for ingredients! I know it's not skin related, but it totally makes you feel like a queen for a day to do the whole shebang! LOL.