X-Out! Yes Or No?


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Apr 26, 2014

Gabrielle C.

Holy crap I haven't been on here in forever lol but ok my prom is May 17 and sadly I've been breaking out really bad both on my face and body -.- and I still have left over scarring from previous breakouts. My skin is a combination of oily and dry, is x-out going to give me great results? and fast? if not I could really use some great recommendations!

Apr 26, 2014

Gabrielle C.

I don't think my insurance covers a dermatologist /: and I've tried like everything My doctor prescribes nothings working (/.\)

Apr 26, 2014

Gabrielle C.

I don't even remember It's been a while, I just know there were different 5% levels and 7%

Apr 26, 2014

Bekah S.

No anything proactiv makes is an automatic NO from me hahaha.

Apr 27, 2014

Robyn S.

No! I tried X-out for a couple weeks and I hated it. It made me so dry that my skin started peeling off around my nose and chin. It was horrible. And worst of all, it didn't even help my acne. I've had much better luck using products that are more gentle. Right now I'm using the First Aid Beauty cleanser and it's much more gentle, and is actually helping to clear up my skin.