How to do an old face?


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Apr 22, 2014

Anna H.

I have to do the makeup for two girls who are taking part on a play for the highschool, so I havr to make them see like if they are 70 years old. Any tips??

Apr 22, 2014

Kyraa D.

Well, you don't want to make them look cakey, you want to make them look old. it's really all about shadows & highlights. you need to create the look of wrinkles, age spots, bags under the eyes, etc.
I personally haven't done something like this before, but a friend of mine has & said it wasn't that hard to create the look. I would check out YouTube videos & definitely practice on yourself first.. more than once if you can (:
hope I could help! xx

Apr 22, 2014

Grace K.

I agree with the other ladies suggesting YouTube! Create wrinkles with makeup, I helped out with my schools theater makeup when I was in high school and seriously just adding the wrinkles mad people age so much lol.

Apr 22, 2014

Fae G.

Just do their makeup normally then use a brown eyeliner and have them smile and crinkle there eyes then jus lightly trace all the wrinkles then smudge a bit and give them some under eye bags with dark brown eyeshadow and blend it then put powder over everything.

Apr 22, 2014

Katie M.

Just use contour powder and create creases and wrinkles in the skin.

Apr 22, 2014

Lisa S.

Pinterest! I've seen a bunch of there if you search it, also youtube like others mentioned. My school always does it because we have a big theatre department, so just look up Old Age Makeup how to's.

Apr 23, 2014

Kaitlin G.

Emphasize smile lines and dark under eye circles.

Apr 23, 2014

Roz X.


Apr 23, 2014

Roz X.

70 in theatre is more like 85 since it needs to be exaggerated to compensate for lighting and distance.