Lightening my hair without dye.


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Apr 21, 2014

Melanie N.

Hi I've been doing lots of research for how to lighten my hair without dye and I have found that honey is a natural hair lightener...I am pretty convinced and I want to do this today before going back to school! Is this method with honey the real solution? Is it not only healthy but does it lighten hair significantly? Also will it give me the lighter dirty blonde I am seeking with my hair color now? HELP!! FAST PLEASE!!

Apr 21, 2014

Tanya N.

If you put some lemon juice in your hair and go out in the sun, your hair will be lighter...but not too much sun as it could dry out your hair a bit.

Apr 21, 2014

Roz X.

Your hair color is IDENTICAL to my own. Wow. I haven't seen it in quite some That said, I wouldn't play with lemon or "Sun In" because you will most likely go orange. Lord knows I did in the folly of my natural pursuits.

Apr 21, 2014

Melanie N.

I actually previously have used sun-in and it made my hair this dark I mean just look at my eye brows, they show my real color which is why I'm upset that my hair is this color now...

Apr 21, 2014

Roz X.

I don't know of any reliable way to get a lighter blonde by all natural means. I wish I could help.  :(

Apr 21, 2014

Melanie N.

I think I'm going to try the honey tonight I have seen some videos and before and afters now it seems reliable☺️

Apr 21, 2014

Laura L.

I put blonde in my bangs by mixing baking soda with peroxide and putting some honey in it. peroxide and honey lighten while the baking soda just make it thicker and I put foil over it for about 40 minutes. you may have yo do it several times? depends how light

Apr 21, 2014

Isabel M.

When your done, will you then please say if it worked? Maybe something for in the future right haha! Thank you!

Apr 21, 2014

Melanie N.

Of course ill post a pic too when I'm done whether it worked good bad or embarrassing (lol) hopefully not embarrassing though! I am really taking the biggest risk ever and I hope it is for the better!!😁