Teeth Whitening Products


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Aug 16, 2014

Jocelyn E.

Hey Ladies!
I am wanting to try teeth whitening products (dentist whitening is too expensive). Please let me know some great products that worked for you!! (Any price range as long as it's worth it!)

Aug 16, 2014

Annabelle N.

Crest 3D white! I love the toothpaste, mouthwash and strips.

Aug 16, 2014

Jocelyn E.

Thank you!

Aug 16, 2014

Sunny C.

Whitening lightening gets really great reviews I haven't tried it myself but I want to!

Aug 16, 2014

Tia B.

Plus white 5 minute whitening system! I actually leave it on for 15 mins instead of 5 though lol. Kandee Johnson has a video on how she uses it. I could see a difference after the first time using it and it's only $6-8 depending on where you buy it.

Aug 16, 2014

Lara R.

I agree with Crest 3D white ;)

Aug 16, 2014

Jocelyn E.

Thank you ladies!

Aug 16, 2014

Lucy D.

Its Not much of a product but more of a DIY,
once or twice a week you can sprinkle a little bi-carb soda on your toothpaste and gradually over time you will have whiter teeth. The only down side of this is that it taste quite bad but if you have a yummy mouth wash you should be fine.
Hoped this has helped:)

Aug 16, 2014

Kendra H.

The 3d white strips are pretty good. Also, cvs sells an overnight whitener gel which works really well!

Aug 16, 2014

Jocelyn E.

Thanks 💋

Aug 18, 2014

Emily W.

Bicarbonate soda or baking soda is extremely abrasive and will damage the enamel of your teeth. Enamel damage is permanent and leads to problems such as sensitivity, cavities, and microfractures. You're basically using what amounts to fine-grit sandpaper on your teeth. Bad news.

Some people swear by swishing with hydrogen peroxide, but a few words of caution: hydrogen peroxide is a debriding agent that is used to treat oral wounds and prevent bacterial infection. It is a strong chemical that will damage healthy cells with repeated exposure, and is toxic if swallowed (even a little can make you violently ill). Yes, it is a lightening agent, but the risks outweigh the benefits when there are other, safer, and equally inexpensive options available.

Be careful with strips and trays not to get any on your gums, as it can cause irritation and leave you vulnerable to infection.

One thing to be aware of when using strips, is that they are most effective on perfectly aligned teeth. If you have any crookedness, you might have troubles with the strips and trays would be a better option.

Aug 19, 2014

Jocelyn E.

Thank you for all that info!! Good to know!