I got a question for y'all.


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Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Does makeup help or hinder your self confidence?

If in your case, it does neither, what does boost your self confidence?

Aug 18, 2014

Mrs B.

Well I'm cute either way but I do find that I get so use to wearing foundation that I look weird without it but I go out without makeup most of the week now

Aug 18, 2014

Jorie C.

I think it helps my self confidence I have acne scars and with foundation you can barely tell I have them and I feel so confident but without makeup I feel ugly and I don't want anyone to look at me

Aug 18, 2014

Kaitlin M.

It helps my self confidence so much. I suffer from constant redness on my cheeks and it feels nice to cover it. I also love my eyes and I love to accentuate them

Aug 18, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Also, makeup is what I love and what I love to collect, so it just makes me feel happy when I talk about it with other people

Aug 18, 2014

Breanna C.

Hmm. This is tough.. Makeup helps me feel more confident. But since I started wearing makeup at a young age it also hinders it because I'm used to seeing myself with makeup, so without it I think I look strange if that makes sense 😣

Aug 18, 2014

Mrs B.

I guess for me it does neither I just like playing dress up

Aug 18, 2014

Bry R.

The only makeup I wear is CC cream, mascara and lipstick. But I can go out in public naked (facially). I am very confident either way and I know I am pwetty (does that sound vain?)

Aug 18, 2014

Alyssa B.

It does neither.. I can go without wearing makeup easily, I just wear it because I want to - not because I feel I need to. I'm confident with the way I look and I honestly don't care about what others think about me😊

Aug 18, 2014

Bry R.

Oh and on those days where I feel like poo and have no confidence, I'll throw up my hair, put a bold lip on, stand in front of the mirror and say "dayyum girl, you know you look good" it works too xD.

Aug 18, 2014

Lindsey S.

Yes bcuz it covers acne.

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Mrs. B, haha love your straight forward answer.

Alexis, definitely! enhancing features is the best part, it's so fun playing them up.

Jorie, I can relate!

Kaitlin, aw but redness is like your constantly blushing! ;) lol. makeup is easy to love, it's such an amazing thing!

Breanna, I totally feel you 100%. it's like it grows on you, and you become used to it...which sucks sometimes.

Erica, good for you! I'm glad you get to play yourself up more. :) we do all need a boost of confidence, the feeling from it is an amazing one yes?

Bryanna, haha I was hoping you meant facially naked! can you imagine walking around naked...yeah no lol! not vain at all, though..we should all have confidence and flaunt it.

Alyssa, that's a great mindset to have! :)

Lindsey, I see! that's the struggle most of us are trying to cover.

for me, it helps and hinders as well. I mean, I don't feel ugly without it but I also don't feel comfortable in public without it, sadly. I don't think I'm ugly, I just have redness and scars...I don't want to scar people for life hahaha. hinders it for the same reason as Breanna! I've been wearing makeup for so long, without it I'm like "oh I'm naked" lol. It's bs because I WISH I could be conceited lol! psh

Aug 18, 2014

Diana T.

I would say it boosts it especially when I do a perfect winged liner :P but I'm not super self -conscious without makeup

Aug 18, 2014

Shaye M.

I used to have huge self esteem issues so I wore makeup every single day for at least 6 years, full face of foundation all day errrrday lol. But now as long as I'm dressed Nicely makeup doesn't seem to be my first priority anymore, as long as my brows and hair is done haha :) used to be self conscious of my freckles but now it doesn't bother me cause I know I can cover them up whenever I want and the people that have a problem with them are tbh idiots lol, it's not like they're stuck with them on their face.

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Diana, oh girl! same, winged liner is life lol

Shayeee, that's good! people seriously had a problem with your having freckles? lmao wow some people. you shouldn't have EVER been self conscious about them, they're the cuuutest! 😅

Aug 18, 2014

Shiro M.

It helps my self confidence in one way. For a long time I've been super self conscious about my eyes, which are fairly small. Using eye makeup to achieve the illusion of bigger eyes is a total confidence booster. That's about the only thing it does though. The other things that boost my self confidence are basically doing well in school and sports. I have a super competitive nature but a low self esteem (not beauty related), so being at the top of the class or on the varsity team really helps my self confidence.

Aug 18, 2014

Ivette H.

Definitely helps, I have battled with low self esteem for a while and Makeup helps me feel confident. Their are days when I want my skin to "breath" but even then I have to have my brows done at least.

Aug 18, 2014

Shiro M.

But a weird thing is that I've never been self conscious about my acne, even though it's pretty moderate. But then again, no one has ever called me out on my acne, like some have done on my eyes.

Aug 18, 2014

Shaye M.

Dude people at my school were the biggest asshats lol! I wish I knew then that they wouldn't matter lmao but people treat redheads here like another species tbh

Aug 18, 2014

Ari M.

Nah it's neither
I rarely wear makeup and haven't really felt ashamed of my face.

I prefer well fitted nice clothes for my self confidence

Aug 18, 2014

Ashley I.

It helps my confidence. In the last year I've become very self conscience especially about my body. I don't do full face makeup but just my concealer, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow and powder make me more confident.

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Shiro, thanks for including other things that boosts yours! Academics are definitely a confidence booster for many! I think it's so weird how people call others out on stupid things like freckles and eyes. The nerve. Haha.

Shaye, they sure sound like stupid people if that's the case lol smh! I think fingers are cute, dude! I wish people weren't so judgmental lmao.

Ari, awesome! I love my clothes too haha.

Ashley, I feel you I'm pretty self conscious about my body. personal problems for me though, don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself!

Aug 18, 2014

Shannon B.

Well neither for me. I guess having people there for me boost my confidence up. If I don't have that I go into a depression.

I only wear makeup for special occasions.

Aug 18, 2014

Liv I.

Makeup helps my self confidence for sure but I honestly don't mind leaving the house without any on. I used to be so self conscious about it but now I honestly don't care what people think haha. And I'm used to wearing like uber light makeup anyways so anyways yes it does boost my self confidence :) I like wearing it.

Aug 18, 2014

val p.

It actually took me a long time to fall in love with make up (being sort of a tom boy if you will) towards the middle of my junior year I got into doing liquid liner and making pretty cat eyes. Then I started wraith glitter liner and eventually I ended up messing with eye shadows and lip color. I just recently purchased my first foundation from Bare minerals... Just for my dark circles. Anyways this is besides the point, I think makeup does boost any girls confidence whether they admit it or not. But for me I think the main reason I like to is because it's a form of art--- and I can express myself through my art, whether it be my drawings all the way to the way I look. I see it as another way for creativity and I just love that.