Skin Problems, What To Do?


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Aug 2, 2014

Aialeen a.

Hey all so I have problems with my skin can it be because I drink to much soda? and what can I do against it?

Aug 2, 2014

Aialeen a.


Aug 2, 2014

Aialeen a.


Aug 2, 2014

Aimen M.

I have the same problem with my skin too, I have consulted many skin specialists, some of the mist famous ones. After completing my course of medicines and whatsoever they asked me to do, like be more careful and blabla, my skin got clearer and beautiful, but after some months, it happened again, so don't worry, drink loads of water, it happens during puberty, it will go away gradually.

Aug 2, 2014

Betul C.

I think its not about drinking much soda.Some doctors says foods don't cause acnes.I don't beilieve it really. Because whenever I eat chips or oily foods I get some acnes.So I beilieve that oily foods make acnes.And you should go to see a doctor.Only Medicine can stop that.

Aug 2, 2014

Alyx T.

If you're dehydrated even slightly than it could be the soda. Do you have a skincare routine?

And betul, some people believe it's more of when you eat greasy food it's messier and gets on your fingers so when you touch your face, it can cause acne. I personally don't break out due to food unless I eat something greasy then touch my face lots but some people breakout from certain food, not even just junk food. My cousin breaks out when she drinks to much milk or anything to spicy. It's all so personal everybody's body reacts to things differently.

Aug 2, 2014

Diana T.

I think in your case the best thing is to see a dermatologist - whatever you do on your own could end up making your situation worse and if you see a derm or doctor then at least you can get some expert advice on how to handle your specific situation - any advice given on here may or may not work for you because everyone's skin is different n reacts differently to different things - it could be any number of things causing it from diet, hormones, skin care (or lack thereof) anything really so I think seeing a derm is best for you to clear it all up in the most quick n efficient way.

Aug 3, 2014

Bree B.

I think you need to see a dr too. Here's my opinion on that, the dr will treat your symptoms, which you need relief, but they are not the best at treating the why. Personally, I would go see a dermatologist and begin treatment. I would also begin a series of elimination diets to see if a common food intolerance/allergen is the issue. For acne I've know dairy is a common trigger. I would start there. Go 4 weeks dairy free, see how your body feels. If it's the thing making your face breakout it's doing more to you. If you notice other positive changes, go to 6 weeks and see where you're at. If there's no change after 4, technically you should do 6 but I would probably try gluten next.
It could be hormones. But you won't know it's not these other common triggers unless you try.
I do think you need to see the dr in order to heal though.