How can I get rid of whitehead!?


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Aug 2, 2014

Vanessa L.

So I have this whitehead on my face that keeps getting bigger. how can I get rid of it?

Aug 2, 2014

Mya T.

Maybe the only way is to pop it

Aug 2, 2014

Mya T.

But if you do, use a warm compress, and then to avoid infection instead on pushing in when you pop it , pull away if that makes sense. Then you can use tea tree oil to clean it and to help it heal use Neosporin after. I hope this helped.

Aug 3, 2014

Vanessa L.

When you say hot compress are you saying like a hot towel or rag??

Aug 3, 2014

Breeze T.

A hot washcloth will work. But you probably won't even need to use a needle. I just take a washcloth, run it under hot - not boiling- water and apply it on the whitehead until it doesn't feel that hot anymore, and drag the washcloth away (pull away like Mya said). If it's still there, repeat. It works for me! Tea tree oil or a spot treatment will help afterwards. I actually use disinfectant - I treat blemishes like common cuts!