How to get the best eyebrows?


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Aug 1, 2014

Sam M.

Hey Guys! How can you get the best looking eyebrows with HD brow kits?

Aug 1, 2014

Breeze T.

Do you have the kit already? Can you post a picture? I think it involves tinting, trimming, threading and filling in.

Aug 1, 2014

Lara K.


Aug 1, 2014

Janae S.

Well first I would start with a clean groomed eyebrow and I would probably use a smal angled brush for the pomade ,powder, gel to grt precise lines and always go with a lighter hand in the front if the brows to make them more natural looking just follow your eyebrow shape perfecting the arches and lines and what not and you should get the hang of it in no time

Aug 1, 2014

Sam M.

Yes I do have the kit, It's a Beauty UK one. I currently use angled brush and shape them before hand.

Aug 1, 2014

Marta Z.

Here's a pictorial. And you can use brow gel or wax on top of it.

Aug 1, 2014

Breeze T.

Are those all powders? The lightest color is for highlighting the brow bone, you can do it or leave it. I personally prefer a non-highlighted arch but to each their own. The darker color is for the highest point and the tail, and you can fade it out in the front with the lighter browns :(

Aug 1, 2014

Breeze T.

sorry I meant :)