Growing hair longer


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Nov 2, 2014

Tiffany K.

How to grow my hair longer.. QUICKLY! For mixed hair.

Nov 2, 2014

Tabbitha S.

Its all genetics. you can't grow hair using oils or pills or treatments or whatever you may try to use. all you can do is keep your hair healthy get your regular trims and hair masks once a month just to keep it healthy. other than that its genetics. your hair will grow to a point where it won't grow no more then start falling off. I hope this helped you.

Nov 2, 2014

Aseel S.

You can take biotin google it for more information.

Nov 2, 2014

Hannah K.

DO NOT TAKE BIOTIN UNLESS YOU HAVE A DEFICIENCY. You can only find out if you have a deficiency by tests from a doctor, and taking Biotin supplements when you don't have a deficiency can lead to adverse side effects such as acne, sickness, hospilitisation and death. You should be eating enough Biotin rich foods anyway.

Like Tabby said, your hair growth rate is genetic, however keeping it healthy will boost growth. The inversion method doesn't work (although I know I'm going to get backlash because people think it works. It doesn't). Cutting off split ends encourages your hair to grow, otherwise it'll split up the hair shaft and cause breakage. Using less heat on your hair (thus making it healthier) helps your hair to grow. But there is no miracle treatment, no serum, shampoo, conditioner, spray or method that makes your hair grow faster.