Want thick eyebrows


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Dec 2, 2014

Leslie R.

I want to think eyebrows, do you guys know how I can get mine thicker.

Dec 2, 2014

Kyraa D.

You can't change the way your hair grows unfortunately. you can always fill them in to make them appear thicker than they are.

Dec 2, 2014

Codi R.

Castor oil every night will grow them in thicker and faster they are hair they need conditioning too

Dec 2, 2014

Ty R.

I agree with Codi, the month I put Jamaican black castor oil on my brows and lashes they grew like crazy!

Dec 2, 2014

Angeliana L.


Dec 3, 2014

Emily W.

Castor oil is comedogenic and is too dense for the delicate skin near the eyes.

Vaseline is a petroleum based sealant used to prevent moisture from leaking (when used industrially) or evaporating (when used OVER moisturizer and NOT on the face). It is highly comedogenic and has no benefits on its own.

Oils and sealants do not influence hair growth. Period. They do not act beyond conditioning the hair shaft. In fact, using dense oils or petroleum products can trap bacteria against the skin, causing acne, skin infections, or sties when used on the lashes.

The ONLY topical products that legitimately stimulate hair growth are Rogaine and Latisse, both of which have side effects.

Stay healthy, drink plenty of water, avoid abrasive scrubs, stop plucking/waxing, and leave your brows alone. As long as the follicles aren't damaged, they will grow back. It will take time, but they will usually return to their natural state.