Neutrogena's Rapid Clear Kit.


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Nov 29, 2014

Kitty K.

Hi Jasmine!

The Neutrogena Rapid clear lotion is actually a BHA Exfoliant. BHAs are far more gentle than beads/scrubs and penetrate deep into the pore to unclog. Physical beads and scrubs irritate acne which can create more.. The lotion itself looks a little oily ( That's normal for all BHA lotions, though. ) I don't recommend any of the other products due to their alcohol content and irritating ingredients. The BHA lotion works great!

Nov 29, 2014

Kitty K.

You're welcome!
What's funny is that a lot of, if not all drugstore products don't advertise themselves as Chemical Exfoliants ( Because it sounds very scary, anyways ). But any 'acne lotion' that has acne medicine in it usually is an exfoliant.
Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Tropic Acid, Citric Acid, Hydroxycaprylic acid, hydroxycapric acid, and trethocanic acid. Some of them also come in different names as they are derived from natural sources (e.g. Salicylic Acid is derived from Willow Bark so sometimes Willow Bark will be listed. ) And you are absolutely right... leave on treatments do more than facial washes. Facial wahes just wash away any useful ingredient ( Think of putting on Cream and then just washing it off ). I perfer to stick to cleansers that use anti-bacterial agents to help with any acne. This way skin isn't dried out, it's inexpensive, and you can continue to use it after having acne.
As for Neutrogena's deep clean cream cleanser... it's purely aesthetic. It contains irritants which you don't want for your acne, I would personally pass on it :)

Nov 30, 2014

Traci L.

I'm not a moderator hun just wanted to clear that up and my opinion is your jumping from product to product you have already said numerous times you have tried everything and nothing works so really it may be something over the counter products will not fix and as I have said before a dermatologist my offer a better solution than any of us can ,And anytime you use a chemical exfoliater it's going to help draw out impurities you had tons of pimples under the skin on your jaw line as well those are not going to just dissappear they have to come to the surface , it seems like your looking for a quick fix and with fighting acne there isn't one nor is there a magic product so instead of you wasting alot of money buying product after product consider the derm sometimes it's the only thing that helps

Nov 30, 2014

Traci L.

Don't apologize hun it's not a problem , but Jacqueline, Alma, Hannah, and, Kitty are the moderators, I am a licensed Esthetician and that's why I'm telling you from experience and looking at your skin you can't rush and you have to give things a chance see if they work before moving on to the next and I understand that a dermatologist is not a option for everyone , but skincare is alot of trial and error what's great on one person skin can be a disaster on someone else , you also may have Food allergies, and from looking at your skin you have a over active sebaceous glad, definitely doing your research on what ingredients help your skin and what breaks you out is a must,

Dec 1, 2014

Traci L.

Your welcome hun good luck with everything