Help Acne Scarring


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Sep 2, 2014

Makayla M.

Can anyone recommend natural remedies of fading acne scarring , like a routine I can do with natural around the house products and recommend how many times a day and such?

Sep 2, 2014

Makayla M.

I thought lemon juice was a natural exfoliant

Sep 2, 2014

Alya A.

This will sound weird but I love turmeric and honey face mask, it helps with scarring, I used it a while back and still use it every now and then, just too lazy to do it regularly, you could google it :)

Sep 2, 2014

Deniece P.

I find that a honey and oatmeal mask not only soothes my skin but fades my scars faster I also follow up with some coconut oil just a little btw I have combination skin and the coconut oil has helped tremendoustly with my oil production.

Sep 3, 2014

Jen C.

Baking soda mixed with aloe and used as either a mask, or a scrub. works well for me.