Dark lips to school.


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Sep 29, 2014

Kira P.

So I have Mac cyber lipstick which is a dark purple that can sometimes look black. I love the colour a lot but I'm worried what people will think if I wear it to school. What should I do?

Sep 29, 2014

Emma S.

Wear it if you wanna. People's opinions don't matter. If you like how it looks, go for it:)

Sep 29, 2014

Kira P.

Thanks guys I will wear it

Sep 29, 2014

Sam M.

Why not? Haha I bet it'll be super cute and who cares what people will think? They'll probably just be jealous they can't pull it off ;D haha go for it!

Sep 29, 2014

Selena M.

Girly wear it. (: I wear dark lips to school all the time and just ignore everybody that has something rude to say. You'll look great!

Sep 29, 2014

Kira P.

Haha that's probably true Sam and thanks Selena :)

Sep 29, 2014

Jessie B.

Honestly who even cares about what they think do what you like. I would definitely wear dark purple lipstick if anyone gives you a tough time who cares it's just a lipstick

Sep 29, 2014

Isabel M.

I say screw them. Wear it. If they have a problem with it, it's theirs not yours they don't need to look, but they won't be able to look away because you'll look fabulous! I lovvvveee dark lippies! Anytime any day any place!

Sep 29, 2014

Chelsea V.

Honestly if you want to just do it, but if you're self concious about it maybe have a light hand with it.

Sep 29, 2014

Dollfaycedd A.

Wear it and pay others no mind. You should wear makeup with the mindset of liking to wear makeup even if that means blue eyebrows and green lips. The people who have negative comments are honestly just jealous that they don't have your confidence to pull off such a fabulous and daring color. So go BOLD and stay BEAUTIFUL!