Confidence issues. Help please 😭


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Sep 17, 2014

Alexis M.

I wasn't sure what category to put this in but it's yet again another post about me regretfully chopping all my hair off. It's growing back very fast however I feel super unfeminine if that's even a word. I have glasses so I tend to limit my eye makeup since I feel as if no body can tell I have it on. And for some reason I feel frumpy and manly in all my clothes 😩 I'm literally a mess. Does anybody have any tips to help me look more girly/ boost my confidence? Thanks!

Sep 17, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

Just work it hun :)
I think you look great with a shaved head tbh! Have fun with it, use fun colors, or some designs on the sides would look cute :)
Maybe a little extra accessories to make your self feel girlier. (jewelery, cute purses) and confidence is key, so just keep smiling. You're beautiful.

Sep 17, 2014

Taylor G.

I bet your hair looks amazing.
Like Jaclyn said, wear some pretty bold lips and wear feminine clothes if you want to feel more girly:)
Other than that, you just have to own your short hair and wear it with confidence. I know nobody feels beautiful all the time and we all have days when we feel horrible about ourselves, but just try to remember you're gorgeous and you can pull anything off:) and your hair is going to be so healthy when it grows back!

Sep 17, 2014

Zeynep Y.

I agree with jacqlyn, your absolutely gorgeous, even your short hair looks amazing!

Sep 17, 2014

Kaleigh D.

Try playing up the eye makeup! You'd be suprised at how it can actually stand out compared to without glasses(: Try different eye liner shapes, colors and even different eyeshadows!

Sep 17, 2014

Alexis M.

Thank you ladies so much. It's going to be a long hair journey but I'm sure it'll be worth it!

Sep 17, 2014

Bry R.

I just made a post about feeling frumpy and masculine in my clothes so I know how ya feel! You just need to find clothes that work for your body shape, not your size! What's your body shape? I can give you some tips on how to dress it. Someone suggested layering for a more feminine feel. Like scarves, blazers/cardigans etc.and maybe some boots since autumn is coming.