Moderators! Anyone who knows about skincare please! Will you help me?


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Sep 9, 2014

Diana T.

That sounds like more of a homeopathic remedy than a prescribed dermatologist regimen but I'm not a moderator : P.

Sep 9, 2014

Lizzie M.

I guess as she has told, try natural first and then if it doesn't improve, try the medications.

Sep 9, 2014

Jaime T.

She's right using the chamomile and lavender oils, since they are natural anti-inflammatory products. But I wouldn't use hot water, but cold water. It'll irritate the inflamed areas.

Sep 9, 2014

Becky J.

I can't see anything wrong with chamomile oil but I've heard that Lavender oil shouldn't be used on the face as it can be irritating.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.

Sep 9, 2014

Holly C.

I've heard the same thing as Becky. I know some people avoid products with it because it's irritating to their face.

Sep 9, 2014

Emily W.

Be careful using chamomile if you have any pollen allergies (ragweed in particular). It can cause awful reactions.

Sep 9, 2014

Traci L.

Lavender oil can be very irritating to the skin and if non inflammatory acne isn't caught early it can turn into inflammatory acne ,chamomile is fine but you need to use things that fight bacteria and you need to exfoliate,inflammatory acne has trapped oil plugs under the skin as well as comedones on the surface so try using a salicylic cleanser,and a lactic or glycolic exfoliater if your looking for something more natural use a clay mask once a week and tee tree oil as a toner and try getting a facial brush,