Dying hair tips?


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Jun 3, 2014

Jamie M.

Hey I'm dying my friends hair tomorrow & I was wondering if anyone had any tips? I never dyed someone else's hair before. She's going from orange/red hair to blonde.

Jun 3, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

What kind of dye will you be using? it's a little hard going from red ro blonde. & also do you have a pic of her hair?

Jun 3, 2014

Jamie M.

Well here's a pic of us & she's the one on the right but I don't know what kind of dye it is.

Jun 3, 2014

Mary P.

After you wash the dye out dip her hair in vinegar.

Jun 4, 2014

Cole M.

If she is a natural red head you will be using bleach? Or a box color? I never did box color... You don't need vaseline or vinegar. Start at the ends first work your way up to the scalp. Make sure you get color on ALL the hair. Wrap it in a shower cap or plastic bag and use a blow dryer on low will help speed up the process. Make sure you time it. Cool water is best and Def use a good conditioner. Good luck, post pics ")  xx

Jun 4, 2014

Megan F.

You will probably have to bleach her hair. After that then put Vaseline along hairline and back of neck to prevent dye from getting on the skin. After you rinse out the dye, don't be surprised if it is still orangey/brassy. I would recommend using a wells toner which can be found at Sally's. Get a grey/purple tint color to counteract the orange in the hair. To maintain the blonde, wash your hair with purple shampoo 2-3 times a week. I suggest shimmer lights purple shampoo. Going from red to blonde is pretty tricky ( I've been there) so it may take more than one day to achieve. Good luck!

Jun 5, 2014

Heather S.

Is her hair natural? Do you know her level of hair if it's been dyed? What level of blonde is she going to?

Virgin hair can be lifted 4 levels max with developer

Jun 5, 2014

Heather S.

Whoops accidently clicked post..

Developer comes in
10 volume- lifts 1 level or used to deposit color
20 volume- lifts 2 levels
30 volume- lifts 3 levels
40 volume-lifts 4 levels
but this is only on virgin hair meaning it's never been colored before

If she has color on her hair you will have to bleach that color out and then after you bleach and wash the hair you would have to go back in and use color on her hair and make sure to neutralize any reds or orange color in her hair to give her a pure blonde color.