Eyeshadow help...smoky and gradient eyes?


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Jul 13, 2014

Olivia A.

I probably know how to do these eye looks but don't know them by their names? What are smoky and gradient eyes and the difference between?
Thanks so much! 😘

Jul 13, 2014

Ellie F.

Gradiant is a eye colour.. Here is a smoky eye

Jul 13, 2014

Ellie F.

This is gradiant

Jul 13, 2014

Cassidy R.

This is a gradient.

Jul 13, 2014

Cassidy R.

This is a smokey eye. Neither are my pictures and credit goes to the owner :)

Jul 13, 2014

Bekah S.

A smokey eye is one color which is the densest in the center such as the 2nd photo Cassidy provided. A gradient is where the shadow fades from dark to light such as 1st photo Cassidy provided.

Jul 13, 2014

Olivia A.

Thanks so much everyone!