Details on face charts??


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Jun 30, 2014

Dawn A.

Hello beauties!! So I really want to get more into practicing my makeup looks, and I want to practice on face charts but...I really don't know much about them! Where can I get them? Are they expensive? And are they just regular paper or are they a special kind of paper?

Jun 30, 2014

Vanessa W.

Sometimes Mac will give you some if you go in and ask.

Jun 30, 2014

Grace K.

I've seen them being sold online but you can just print your own off like other ladies said!

Jun 30, 2014

Caitlin M.

You can print your own or buy them already in a sketchbook type notebook that uses a textured paper so the makeup (if you are using actual makeup, some artists just use colored pencils or other pencils/pens/art supplies) will grip on to the paper. I'm not sure where to buy them in the books but I'm sure a quick Google search will give you results. Or just Google blank face charts and there should be some.

The one site I do remember that had some blank templates was I think.

Jun 30, 2014

Dawn A.

Thanks girls! I've researched online and found some templates online and just printed them off on card stock paper:) Thanks!

Jun 30, 2014

Amy S.

Cold pressed cotton rag paper.