MAC Ice and Glitter Holiday 2011


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MAC plans to feature Olympic skater and three-time U.S. champion Johnny Weir in their upcoming Glitter and Ice Holiday Collection (LOVE HIM!).MAC loves offbeat collaborations with guys and gals (hello, Dame Edna!), and Johnny, with his funky fashion sense and sassy performances on the ice, sounds like a good fit.

What do ya think its going to be like??? Packaging? Products? 

Sep 3, 2011

Drea L.

Ice & Glitter sounds RIGHT up my alley!! This sounds like it'll be great!

Yea it does. I hope MAC makes it look good as much as it sounds good.

cant wait to buy from the collection! and i cant wait for christmas!!!!!!

Sep 5, 2011

Jamie G.

looking forward to this! xo

I can't believe they aren't any pictures for this collection yet, I really want to see at least a glimpse of it! Haha, then I can figure out how much money I'll need to save up over the next few months. Hopefully we'll get to see some photos soon!

Ya can Can't wait this holiday season for all that great collections coming out myself. Alot on my Wish list this year LOL XD. I wish they had pics of this collection up all ready maybe they will by the end of Sept. mid October 

Sep 5, 2011

Isabelina B.

STOP. I FRICKIN LOVE JOHNNY WEIR. When he was on Rachel Zoe? Yeah, that was hilarious. I love his fashion sense! I will be picking something up for sure. Or ask for it for christmas. :]

I'm excited about this but I hope that MAC lives up to their packaging. They've been disappointing me for a while with their collections.

Sep 5, 2011

Samantha G.

yeah the packaging as been less than exciting lately. i think it started to go downhill with vv :(

Andrea F.

Sep 5, 2011

Andrea F.


Jasmine j. and Samantha G. Your right about the package of MAC stuff lately. Its like MAC has being losing their creative lately. Maybe they should start firing some ppl who give ideas on the package of collections. Brands that are sold at Sephora, MACY's, QVC, etc has been coming out with better products and WAY CUTER packaging then MAC's. I hope they come HARD with this collection