Protecting Face Charts


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Everytime I have an idea now I make a face chart. Does anyone in beautylish do face charts? If so what is the best way to protect them?

Jul 14, 2011

Alexis W.

here's a good video from enkoremakeup

Jul 14, 2011

Alexis W.

how do you do lashes on a face chart?

I use a black Finley sharpened colored pencil. Using check like marks. I have tried using cheap waterproof liquid liner but that was a no no lol. Some makeup is just not meant to be on paper : )

Plastic sleeves. You can get them in various sizes at a business/office supply store.

Aug 26, 2011

April F.

get some krylon workable fixatif. it's around five dollars or so and you can get it at michael's or hobby lobby or any craft store. it keeps stuff from smudging but if you need to go in and move it a bit you still can rework stuff if you need to.

Aug 27, 2011

Nikki B.

I agree with April, you could also use Krylon crystal clear and nothing will move.

Aug 27, 2011

Alexis W.

Andrew that is very nice

Apr 25, 2017

Makeup F.

You can try a finishing spray from the art store - ask for one that used with colored pencils or charcoal.