hyperpigmentation HELP


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Jun 22, 2012

Anna K.

I also have a tone acne scarring and have found the best treatment is actually diet...but keep up a regular regime such as what you are doing, it looks good.

A regular facial scrub helps buff away dead scar tissue, so keep that up. I've tried the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion device and pads but didn't find it any more effective. I've also been using papaya soap that you can find at an asian or international market in the cosmetics area...the natural enzymes in papaya help lighten skin. Retinol is good for evening tone as well, the best product is Retin-A but you'd have to get a prescription from a dermatologist for it (or buy it in Mexico!)

I went on a plant-based diet for a month, it took a ton of self-discipline and my life was really lame for that month because I couldnt really go out. But, in addition to the other health benefits, my skin cleared up 100% and all my acne scars on my face, chest and back cleared up until they were almost gone. Even older scars on my body faded some.

As far as diet, eat fresh fruits and veggies, specifically those high in
Vitamin C (citric acid in these foods breaks down scar tissue):
All the citrus fruits (lemon or lime juice can also be applied topically to help speed scar tissue breakdown), hot & sweet peppers, guava, herbs, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower
Vitamin A (aids in epithelial cell production so new, unblemished skin is produced faster):
Carrots, mangos, apricots, sweet potatoes
Vitamin E (provides healthy oils that soften scar tissue and keep skin moisturized but not oily, from the inside):
Avocado, spinach, red bell peppers, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, nuts, vitamin E oil purchased at a drug store or health store can be applied topically with really great results too.

Hope this helps! It's not the 'easy' way to do it but I'm a big advocate of the most natural therapy possible--it's how we were designed, after all!

Jun 22, 2012

Keri W.

Lemon juice on the spots work great!! I do a sour cream and baking soda mask (full fat sour cream that's close the xpiration date is best) u will see instant brightening with the mask.... Also Dermologica daily scrub is awesome . It formulated from rice and rice great for toning and softening ..if possible u could try a rice flour ask as well ...it a well kep Geisha secret ;d. I would suggest u stick with ur routine but try to incorp additional stuff for more results