Freelance Contracts


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This is a subject I rarely see in forums. I'm not sure if this subject is somewhere in here and maybe missed it, since I'm pretty new to this website. My question is for you fellow Freelance MUA. Do you all do a contract for each client you work with? If so, what do you include in it? If you don't do it for all, do you do it for some clients only? eg... Brides/Bridal Parties? How about waivers pertaining to allergies & the such? I've been a freelance mua, but not sure how and what to include in a contract and waiver. 'Tis is why I'm asking away :)

Contracts used to protect both parties; but I find they are most useful in documenting your work and their use is completely up to you. Though unless it's a completely casual appointment, I'd highly recommend their use. The more important/serious the event, the increased likelihood I'd use a contract. I wouldn't work anything bridal, photo shoot, fashion show, production etc. without one.

Most contracts include service/kit/travel fees, policies on late/cancellations/refunds, consultations, expectations of the mua and the client, liability waivers & the like.

Koren did some videos a while back that addressed contract content, if you're interested.

Part One:
Part Two:

Nov 18, 2010

RChelle M.

Tamara is right...I NEVER do any work without a contract or service agreement. It covers both you and the client.

Thanks ladies. I've just grown so used to working with a lot of the same peeps ya know. But I've got to step it up and create a contract.