Dying over teal ends!


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Oct 18, 2013

Sabrina F.

My hair is naturally medium brown but over the summer, I had it lightened to a light brown/blonde. I then had my ends dyed teal with a professional product (not sure which) and then touched it up myself with the Ion Brilliance Brights Teal. It is now fading and I would like to go to a dark brown all over but am concerned about the teal color warping or having different color hair on the half top and the ends.

Does the teal need to be completely out before I can dye over it? What is the best way I can get an all-over color if I do it myself? I just started school again and am not working so if I could avoid a salon, that would be ideal for me right now. :X Thank you for any help!! :)

Oct 18, 2013

Elizabeth M.

If you bleached it, it will not hold onto color as well as unbleached hair, so it will be brown but will fade very quickly. I had the exact same color and I put black dye over my hair and the teal was not faded at all, came out good, but I had to retouch 2 weeks later cause it was fading to a medium brown.

Oct 18, 2013

Sabrina F.

Oh wow! Well my ends were bleached a little to more of a brassy blonde, just enough for the teal to be vibrant... So do you think I could just dye all of my hair a dark brown over it? I'm a little afraid to do black, as I did that before and it was so hard to get my natural color back.