Help with eczema!


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Dec 15, 2013

Shauna S.

Lately I've noticed I've been getting small patches of eczema on my one arm and beside my one eye. I've been using Ucerin Cream but it's not helping, it's always still dry, red and itchy.

What drugstore cream could I use for eczema? And also do you recommend any foundation for oily sensitive skin to cover the eczema on my eye?

Dec 15, 2013

Misty F.

Anything with no fragrance and for sensitive skin
Anything olay at the drug store

Dec 15, 2013

Jaclyn H.

I have eczema so does my son it comes and goes and I use cetaphil moisturizing lotion and the body wash for sensitive skin really works great put the lotion on before bed and in the morning on the area

Dec 15, 2013

Jaclyn H.

Bought mine at walmart

Dec 15, 2013

Lexi K.

CeraVe moisturizing cream! It's accepted by the national eczema association, has tons of great reviews, check it out :)

Dec 15, 2013

Mistreece L.

I have mild eczema as well. I use Dermasil lotion regularly but also have a prescription cream for any breakouts. Treat it with a prescription 1st and do not scratch those areas. then stick to good fragrance free, dye free products including detergents.

Dec 15, 2013

Gen S.

Try indoor tanning, it helps a lot.

Dec 15, 2013

Shabs K.


Dec 15, 2013

Clara T.

I agree with Lexi, CeraVe is definitely the best. I have had eczema since I was young and other than prescription ointments it is the only thing that works.

Dec 16, 2013

Shauna S.

I hate using prescription ointments unless I absolutely have to just because I find they can be very harsh on the skin after using them for a while. I've heard a lot of good things about CeraVe and Dermasil. I think I'll have to go check those out. Thank you ladies!