Skincare For Late 20S?


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hey dolls
i'm 28 going on 29 :/
i'm too old for teen skin care, too young for wrinkle skin care and the likes
what as a 29 year old do i need to pay attention to when it comes to skin care?
do you i need to start using anti-aging products? anti-wrinkle products?
what would i should consider when purchasing skincare products to keep my skin
as is or even better looking?
what do you use?
<3 thanks!!!

I don't use anti-wrinkle stuff, I just stay out of the sun :) That really helps, as well as a great diet and I don't drink much (and NEVER smoke) I'm 26.
What you wanna purchase depends on your skin type, honestly.

Aug 5, 2012

Jennifer C.

My dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser and a sun screen everyday. Another great moisturizer and anti-wrinkle treatment is plain vitamin e oil on your face and neck abound not every night then every other night.  

Aug 6, 2012

Dana M.

I would recommend Benefits skincare line, cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize and eye cream. 

Aug 10, 2012

Kelly G.

Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. If you aren't wearing it 365 days a year, everything else is pointless.
For when I was in my late twenties I used okay regenerist. When I hit 30 I got a prescription retinoid (though that was mostly because my skin decided to act like it was 16 and start breaking out all the time.) 

Aug 11, 2012

Brandi Q.

Definitely moisturizer. Drink lots of water, eat healthy, and wear some kind of SPF. Prevention is the beat method. You will probably start to see your skin change a bit as you reach 30. I have recently turned 30 and when I was 29 my skin started to turn from Normal to Normal/Dry. But it's in good shape since I started using OLAY products at abut 22 years old. Start now. You won't regret it :)