Shaving? Help? Poll.


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Aug 2, 2012

Huma N.

I know this is sort of a personal question, but I'm a girl that just needs some help and advice.... how many of you shave with a razor (on face and/or legs?). I'm just confused on whether I should continue waxing my legs (which I have to wait a while to get the wax because its kinda rare where I live) or just shave them. Do you girls shave your legs like every day then? Also, what about facial hair? Like on the cheeks, upper lips, and in the middle of your eyebrows?

Aug 2, 2012

Dana K.

I personally shave my legs with a razor, but I wax and/or tweeze my facial hair. I do this because when you wax it removes the hair from the folical and and it takes longer to grow back, When you shave it irritates the root and it causes it to grow back faster and thicker. So I have no problem with shaving my legs, but when it comes to facial hair I always wax or tweeze. Hope this helped. :) 

Aug 2, 2012

Sam M.

I only shave my legs and underarms. I have a bit of facial hair right now but I prefer not touching it until I'm in my 20's or later, that way I don't have to start doing it now and always do it after that. I shave my legs around every 3 days, because that's when it starts to get prickly. And for the hair between and under my eyebrows, I just use my tweezer.

When I feel like shaving anything (a few times a year, ha~), it's usually with a razor. Between the brows, I also use a razor, but a little one meant for eyebrows. Got it at Walmart for five bucks.

Aug 4, 2012

LaToya C.

I shave my legs arms and underarms. My body hair grows in super slow so I shave like once every 3 to 4 weeks :) 

Aug 4, 2012

Evelyn E.

I get my eyebrows threaded and it takes about three weeks for mine to start growing back then I just pluck them with angled tweezers to keep it in the right shape(: and I just use nair's hair removal lotion or roll-on wax for my legs or I just shave(:

Aug 4, 2012

Sarah L.

I wax my bikini area & underarms and shave my legs. I find exfoliating before shaving helps reduce razor bumps and get s a closer longer lasting shave plus use a lotion for sensitive skin because fragrances can irritate freshly shaved skin

Aug 4, 2012

Olivia G.

@ Latoya that sounds like a dream. Three to four weeks?!

I shave my legs and underarms. I can't imagine shaving my face (with the exception of an eyebrow razor), that's a weird concept in my opinion. It wouldnt look very attractive either. I shave my legs and underarms everyday because I can't stand the feeling of prickly legs, it drives the OCD inside of me crazy :-/.

Aug 4, 2012

Priya C.

Get the veet waxing roller. The results r amazing and it's cheap. 

Aug 4, 2012

Asha M.

I shave my underarms but use Veet Fast Acting Hair Removal on my legs :) Veet is amazing and cheap - the only problem I have with it is it has a weird unpleasant scent to it.

Aug 6, 2012

Taylor C.

i shave my legs and underarms everyday almost and leave my face alone and i dont use hair removing lotion becuase it doesnt usually work i dont know why but yea hope this helps :D

Aug 6, 2012

Jennifer B.

I usually shave my legs three times a week, and same with my underarms. I don't have a problem with facial hair which I'm so thankful for, and have never touched my eyebrows because I think the look fine the way they are.

Shave legs, tweeze or wax face.

Aug 6, 2012

Erica S.

to me waxing hurts bad! i prefer a razor and the good kind! with some shaving gel! that helps with me and leaves my legs smooth :) ♥

well I'm a male so, yeah hair is a pain for me -_- but I think you should do whatever works for you, if you don't have time to shave all of the time and don't mind waiting a while to get yourself waxed then go wax lol, if you don't feel like going through the pain, then get yourself a venus razor and shave away!, however your face is a different story, as far as eyebrows, tweezing and grooming is the way to go, waxing brows can be very risky, um as far as hair anywhere else on your face...In your situation I'd wax it, shaving might be too irritating for your face and could damage it...and if you do wax your face remember to always...always, exfoliate, ingrown hairs will ruin you!