Pregnancy & Beauty


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Hey Ladies,

I am three months pregnant and my nody knows it. I feel tired, lazy, and bloated. My skin is going crazy beause of the hormones and my hair is super dry and fading. I just seem to have a case of the Blah's and want to know if you guys have any pampering or beauty suggestions for this preggo ?

Mar 7, 2012

Gracey W.

I've never been pregnant, but I am familiar with a case of the blah's for sure. For the hair you should try getting a nice moisturizing hair mask, or making your own. Set aside a day where you don't have anything going on and you can focus on yourself. Take a bath, do the hair mask, maybe do a mini facial, and a mani pedi. Congratulations by the way, and I hope you start to feel better! 

Are you taking pre-natal vitamins? My girlfriend said when she was pregnant, her hair grew like crazy when she was using them and they helped greatly with helping balance her horomones... if you aren't, check with your physician to see if you should start using them.  =)

Congrats. I will say this because a lot of my friends gave birth last year. You can do treatments to your hair but be very careful... don't dye your hair and if you go to the salon try to go when not many people are because you don't want to be around other's who are doing chemical treatment or hair dyes. The fumes are dangerous to your baby. Remember whatever you put on and into your body affects your baby!!! So just keep in mine what products you use. Most of my friends used organic-naturals products but alot of them bite the bullet and just went natural... no makeup, nail polish. That doesn't mean that they didn't dress up and do their hair... they did but on their skin they didn't want to take any chances on products that might harm the baby. There has to be products out their for mommy's to be.

Thanks guys! I am taking prenatals so my hair is growing but no way can I outgrow the gamage I did lol. My hair is DARKDARK brown naturally and I went platinum blonde then back to brown right before I found out I was pregnant so my hair is FRIED. I typically wear no makeup because I am lazy anyways lol and that might have something to do with my blah's...I guess I just have to work on my view of myself right now because a baby is a beautiful thing !

When I was pregnant two years ago, I had the case of the blahs as well. I was usually home alone on those days, so I would dress myself up, do my hair, and try on some looks from tutorials I've watched. A good relaxation day will surely take away those blahs! Congratulations and may everything go smoothly! Good luck! :)

Mar 9, 2012

Shelley W.

With 3 kids I know a lot about the blahs during pregnancy. What worked for me was getting a make-over. Just 30 minutes in the chair did wonders for my self-esteem. Since you're three months....first trimester....its always hard. I spent my first trimester asleep. Once you get into your second trimester you will wake-up from that fog. In the meantime I suggest spending time outside, weather permitting. The fresh air and sunlight is a great way to get some energy. And be sure to eat thru out the day. Small meals of course. Congrats new mommy. :)

Mar 11, 2012

Jennie A.

I am a mother of 3 and i know those days especially in the beginning all you want to do is sleep. I would have a pampering days where i would do a DIY hair masque,face masque, a soak in the tub then afterwards moisterize!! I had really bad dry skin so a good body lotion and face moisterizer. Also your diet is everything when your pregnant and exercise drink tons of water and get out and walk even if you have to drag yourself to do it you will feel better afterwards!!!! Good luck and congrats!!!