Does removing mascara cause your lashes to fall?


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Mar 25, 2012

Elisa M.

i don't know about everyone else, but i absolutly love mascara and i can't help it to not put any on because when i remove it i have the feeling that some of my lashes it just me or it depends on the mascara, or on the remover? thank you xoxo

Mar 25, 2012

Heather H.

Yep! If you rub too vigorously your lashes will be ripped out. I prevent this by using my fingers to gently massage waterproof makeup remover (I find it works faster and easier than regular makeup remover) into my lashes then using a makeup wipe (I use this for my foundation and lips) or a cotton pad to remove the dirty residue. 

Jun 5, 2012

Kaylah A.

Try using a bit of baby oil or Olive oil. Even if you put a little on your finger and holdit there for 30 seconds or a minute it will break up the mascara without damage

Jun 5, 2012

Samantha C.

Use cotton pads with loads of oil-based remover and hold the pad for as long as possible before gently wiggling down the length of the lashes. I have done a video on this technique: it might help. xxx

Jun 5, 2012

Elisa M.

thank you!! all your help was useful!

Jun 5, 2012

Erica F.

I actually had the opposite result. I used to not remove my mascara besides washing my face. Now I use an actual eye makeup remover and my lashes look fake. And they curl easier.