Wash your brushes!


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Honestly, I don't know why I'm writing this... oh wait, yes I do. Because I CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH, GIRLS!

I want to say that I ~try~ to keep my brushes clean. I do my best, I really do. But a few days ago, I suffered the horror of a bacterial eye infection, and it wasn't pretty, especially because I can't do videos!

I don't know if my brushes were the culprits. All I know is I had filmed a tutorial the night before and used a brush I hadn't used in awhile. This is just a friendly reminder to keep your brushes clean!!! You never think it's gonna happen to you until it does!

Or maybe it wasn't the brushes. Don't touch icky subway rails and then touch your face. Purel. Just do it.

Love you girls!!!

Lacey <3

May 27, 2012

Shelly T.

Was the brush you used clean? Or had it just been sitting around in a while?

And yeah, try to wash your hands (or keep a hand sanitizer at hand) while you're doing your makeup.

Honestly, I used it to smudge a few times back. I'm a loser face. It happens to the best of us, though!

I also live in NYC, and those subways are rank nasty. I'm from Florida and never thought twice about it. Now I do.

PS I love that I just let the world know that my eye is infected. What's WRONG with me? =P

E wwwww, your eye is infected~

Okay, anyway. Yes! I agree! Keep those brushes clean, ladies, gentlemen, and aliens! I spot clean every time I do a different eyeshadow look and deep clean at least once a week, or one and a half weeks.

What kind of cleansers do you all use to spot cleanse? I have the Sephora weekly brush cleanser. I've heard good things about the daily ELF one...

I use the mac brush cleaner if I'm in a rush but most nights I shampoo and 3 times a week I condition my brushes, it keeps them looking and feeling perfect

May 27, 2012

Shelly T.

I also use MAC's brush cleanser to spot clean. Before that I used Smashbox's.

May 28, 2012

Kennedy K.

I just washed my brushes the other day! 

May 28, 2012

Kristina C.

Yea if you wash them with shampoo and a really good conditioner for split ends not only is it being health conscious but it extends the life of your brushes. Just lay them flat to dry to avoid rotting

Thanks for all your help! I'd never thought of a conditioner for them... and BTW, we found out today that what I got was viral and was most likely caused by a cold I had that went untreated because of a certain... horrible doctor. So yay!!!! #mybrushesaren'tdisgusting