DIY pimple help


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May 7, 2013

Denise V.

I have a pimple on my nose that's barely starting to show and it really hurts!! I've been putting my mint green mask on it because it's supposed to dry it up. If I continue to do this will it dry up or no? If you have any DIY remedies I can do at home before it comes out let me know!! I've heard toothpastes works but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do and if I should keep reapplying it.

May 7, 2013

Toni F.

I'm assuming it is an ingrown pimple. soo to dry it up it would be easier if it was at a head. what I do is I get a very hot rag (almost boiling) and press it on the pimple until the rag is cool. do this until the pimple comes to a head and then put toothpaste on it or your mask. and remember if you're using toothpaste, to use the paste not gel.

May 7, 2013

Denise V.

Thank you so much!!