Who wears a hijab? Please give me an opinion!


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May 30, 2013

Dina U.

I really admire the beauty of the technique and styles of hijabs. I would love to wear them at work from time to time (I'm an eyebrow threader) but I don't want to offend anyone!
Would you find it offensive to see a woman wearing a hijab as a kind of fashion accessory? Would is also be dependent on how I am dressed?

May 30, 2013

Naeela S.

Umm this is a strange one. as a muslim I'd find it pretty weird if a non muslim wearing one as a fashion accessory as it is part of the faith and meant to be a symbol of modesty..not a style. I think a lot of people may get offended if you told them you were wearing it for reasons other than religion. also dress wise yes as women in islam are meant to be covered and modest...you won't see women wearing hijabs and like showing skin.

all this is from a muslim who doesn't wear a hijab..just my thoughts

May 30, 2013

Dina U.

By my standards I dress on the modest side, but what are the standards for hijab wearing women? I am always cover down to my elbows, always in pants or a maxi skirt. My shirts tend to be more open around the neck but my boobs don't hang out or anything. I was wondering if how I dress normally would be at an acceptable standard with a hijab.
In my profession as a beautician I have always believed that what I do is completely about the client, and I should not be a distraction. I wear mostly black and grey, natural make up, and I keep my accessories to a minimum. I have been thinking of covering my hair or wearing only one hair style to work as another way of making myself less of a distraction. So it is a fashion choice- but not a whimsical one, it has a purpose for me that I take seriously even if its for a different reason than religious.
And I guess what I have in mind for a covered styling is really more of a turban than a full hijab.

May 30, 2013

Naeela S.

Well women in islam wear a hijab as you aren't meant to show your hair..and clotheswise its meant to be only hands and feet showing. I don't adhere completely to this but I do cover up and never show a lot of skin. everything you're saying is fine...like you are modest etc.but the fact still remains if you style it as a hijab it is going to make people think you are muslim or may cause offence if worn as a fashion statement. the turban thing I have seen non muslims wearing too but usually its a form of covering hair for muslim women who don't like the full scarf.

from my own personal view I think its not a great idea to wear such a steong religious symbol if you arent wearing it for the religious reason. wearing a scarf is a hard thing for many women in islam to do and I see it as kind of detracting from this if its worn as a fashion accessory etc

May 30, 2013

Hayley S.

Wearing their religious garments for "style" is appropriation and gross. Don't do it

May 30, 2013

Shelley W.

I have a few Muslim friends and family members and I sent them email with your question. They took immediate offense to it. One wears her hijab every single day. She said its not to be used as some random fashion accessory and would you be willing to accept being called every nasty word in the book and being spit on by uneducated individuals because it happens to them. Please leave this for devout Muslims to practice.

May 30, 2013

Erica K.

I see people wearing crossed that are not religious. Even rosary beads as a fashion statement. Does this offend Christians? Just curious?

May 30, 2013

Erica K.


May 30, 2013

Shelley W.

Crosses and hijab are two totally different things. You won't find people outright disrespecting others who wear a cross. While with a hijab it makes a powerful and visual statement to that individuals faith. Christianity is dominent in the You.S. while the Muslim faith is slammed and disrespected. Wearing a hijab by a non-practicing Muslim is deemed disrespectful to those I posed the original question to. As a Christian it doesn't personally offend me to see people wearing the cross as a fashion statement. But I'm sure if you asked my conservative Southern Baptist neighbor she might think otherwise.

May 30, 2013

Shelley W.

*geesh my auto correct is on drugs today* sorry for the typos.

May 30, 2013

Erica K.

That makes sense to me.

May 30, 2013

Erica K.

I'm not religious so its really off my radar

May 30, 2013

Naeela S.

I wouldn't dare wear a cross because I see at representative of a part of christianity whereas its noy islamic in any way so I don't wear it. agree with everything shelly has said...I think obvious religious items shpuld be left as that and not turned into statements...however good hearted or un offensive it may have been initially been

May 31, 2013

Dina U.

I've asked some ig friends who are hijab wearing muslims and they felt fine with it. They saw it as I ment it to be- as an adoration of their culture and beliefs. They did acknowledge that some would take it the wrong way. I was hoping to get more of an insight about it. Like I said its something I wanted to do right if I decided to do it. From what I understand of the reason for the hijab its not all that different from christian beliefs. I personally have an 'all paths to god' approach to religion, so I respect these kinds of religous choices. But again, this isnt really about religion for me, its about humbling myself, my self expression to nesy serve my clients.

May 31, 2013

Dina U.

I started thinking about it bc of the muslim population in our area who don't come to us. I recently got our first girl in. I feel that if I began to wear a head covering it would make them feel more comfortable, knowing that they would be respected in our shop too.

May 31, 2013

Naeela S.

I don't think weaeing a hijab is the right way to attract muslims..overall I understand everything youve said but wearing a hijab is a choice for many muslims as part of their faith not a fashion choice or anything else, therefore I don't think you should adopt one for any reaaon other than this. muslim women will visit somewhere regardless of if the person there is wearing it or not, and actually wearing one will either insult or confuse someone as it is to do with faith.

Jun 1, 2013

Darci H.

As someone who practices a fairly non mainstream faith, I would suggest that you not go this route. If I see someone wearing the symbol of my faith, I assume they are a co religionist and find it very alarming when I speak to someone with this idea only to be told that "it's just a necklace/t-shirt/whatever". Not offended, but disappointed and kinda left hanging, ya know?

I wear the hijab and I love it:-)