Murad AHA/BHA exfoliating cleanser.


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Feb 5, 2016

Shengmin L.

Has anyone ever tried this cleanser and saw any results?

I read on Paula's Choice that BHA exfoliaters are really good so I looked for a good BHA exfoliater and found this. It has good review on Sephora but on Paula's choice it only gets 3 stars. So has anyone tried it and how did it go?

Feb 6, 2016

Kitty K.

If you really want a go at exfoliation then I wouldn't depend on a cleanser! I prefer to double cleanse with oils and balms and then follow up with my first step being the exfoliant. I do have various cleansers that have AHA and BHA.. Great if you have active acne but in terms of exfoliating they don't do much compared to my exfoliating treatments. They truly do need to be left on the skin for the best results.

The exfoliating treatments I have in rotation are
Paula's choice 2% liquid BHA.
Paula's choice 4% foaming BHA.
Sunday Riley's Good Genes
Mila Moursi refining lotion.

Feb 6, 2016

Deborah S.

I have recently started using the paula's choice 2% bha exfoliant and even though my skin is still adjusting to it, I can already see a change, my blackheads are becoming less noticeable and my skin overall seems more "balanced ", so I can very much recommend it.

Feb 6, 2016

Shengmin L.

Thanks girls! I guess I will try using Paula's (: