Clusters of little spots?


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Feb 2, 2016

Emma R.

I've got two small patches (just bigger than a ten pence piece each) of little spots. I call them spots, but none have ever come to a head, and there's no normal skin within these patches, it's just all these little bumps. They're red, and ruin the skin texture, and I can't seem to get rid of them! I cleanse with the Vichy normaderm deep gel cleanser (and have been using this consistently even before these patches appear) and was using the lush grease lightening gel to try and clear it (my moisturiser is an oil free grapefruit one from neutrogena) but I've recently switched to the Nip + Fab glycolic night serum to in a last bid to clear it! Honestly the rest of my skin is good enough to go without foundation, it's just these patches! I know it's not something hormonal. Any help? 😪

Feb 3, 2016

Kendra H.

It might be best for you to see a dermatologist. This appears to be a really complex issue that someone from the internet probably can't answer or maybe even shouldn't answer.

Feb 4, 2016

Carmelle Y.

Depending on where the patches are, it could be something called Perioral Dermatitis- I've had it once and it requires a prescribed topical sufa-type cream. That helps quickly. The usual skincare solutions that one turns to won't help at all; that's a big indicator of the condition.
Could also be contact dermatitis which is a persistent skin irritation from something you used on your face. That would be treated with a topical steroidal cream. Dermatologist would know for sure. Good luck!